▶️ YouTube interview with Christof Tschohl from Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Center in Vienna:
Both an IT security expert and a lawyer, he answers legal, ethical, and philosophical questions about the European #GDPR and explains how #FeatureCloud's #federated #machinelearning (#ML) approach enhances patient #privacy by giving them full control over their #medicaldata.
#FeatureCloud #AppStoreHealthcare #AI #patientsfirst #dataprotection
#gdpr #featurecloud #federated #machinelearning #ml #privacy #medicaldata #appstorehealthcare #ai #patientsfirst #dataprotection
The cost of neglecting primary care: billions lost and lives at risk
#primarycare #healthcare #training #patientsfirst #invest
Michael Fine is a family physician and author of On Medicine as Colonialism.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#primarycare #healthcare #training #patientsfirst #invest
#Sloe 👍 🥦#CannabisRausAusDemBtMG
#GreGoa 👍
Meine vier Empfehlungen des Tages an Patienten ✌🏼
https://twitter.com/IACM_Bulletin #iacm
https://twitter.com/SCMDeutschland #scm
https://twitter.com/medcan_schweiz [Franziska 😍 ]
#Wissen: https://www.medcan.ch/de/ #medcan 👍
#Cannabis #wirkstoffe wirksam zur #Krebsbehandlung. Warum wird in Deutschland die Forschung immer noch unterdrückt?
#Krebsbehandlung #Wirkstoffe #cannabis #MEDCAN #wissen #scm #IACM #patientsfirst #gregoa #CannabisRausAusDemBtMG #sloe
#cancer #oncology #sarscov2 #sars_cov_2 #sars2 #covid19 #covid19research #covidー19 #cancercovid #serineproteases #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #clinicaltrials #clinicaltrial #genonmics #moleculardiagnostics #raredisease #rarediseases #rarediseasetrials #rarediseaseawareness #rarediseaseday2022 #patients #patient #patientcenteredcare #patientsafety #patientsfirst #patientengagement #patientempowerment #patientadvocacy #patientadvocate #ash22 #ash2022
#cancer #oncology #SarsCoV2 #SARS_COV_2 #SARS2 #COVID19 #covid19research #covidー19 #cancercovid #serineproteases #quantum #quantumcomputing #quantumtechnology #clinicaltrials #clinicaltrial #genonmics #MolecularDiagnostics #RareDisease #rarediseases #rarediseasetrials #rarediseaseawareness #rarediseaseday2022 #patients #patient #patientcenteredcare #patientsafety #patientsfirst #PatientEngagement #patientempowerment #PatientAdvocacy #patientadvocate #ash22 #ash2022
We physicians can do better communicating! This study said docs may use words our pts may not understand simply as we have heard them so often that we forget there was a time we too didn't know what they meant.
#communication #patientsfirst #medicine
RT @outcomes4me@twitter.com
Shoutout to our panelists @ShikhaJainMD@twitter.com @AMJohnston1315@twitter.com @KDRichardson924@twitter.com for joining our conversation on patient empowerment at #HLTH2022. Thank you all for sharing your stories and calling for change in our healthcare system. #PatientsFirst
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/outcomes4me/status/1592638372706746373