Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
2162 followers · 4140 posts · Server

⚡️Media: on for in 1970s.

Kirill, the patriarch of , spied on Switzerland for the in the 1970s, according to declassified archives quoted by .

Kirill, head of the Church, is a staunch supporter of dictator and Russia's war against .

#patriarch_kirill #spied #switzerland #ussr #moscow #sovietunion #die_sonntagszeitung #russian #orthodox #vladimirputin #ukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

Johan Roux 🏳️‍🌈 · @RouxJ
2162 followers · 4136 posts · Server

() worked for intelligence in the 1970s.

In those years, he worked in under the pseudonym "" and was supposed to influence the World Council of Churches. His task was to mitigate Western criticism of the lack of religious freedom in the . The police then compiled a dossier on , labeling him a agent.

💩No man of God!

#russian #patriarch_kirill #vladimirgundyaev #soviet #geneva #mikhailov #ussr #swiss #kirill #kgb

Last updated 2 years ago