40 years ago:
The Compass Rose (CU,ES,VE)
Original title: La rosa de los vientos
Exiled Chilean director Patricio Guzmán filmed in Cuba and in Venezuela to create this controversial statement on the creation and survival of Latin American culture from the late-15th century to the present. For some viewers, the film will be superficially symbolic and rhetorical, for others, it wi...
#TheCompassRose #PatricioGuzmán #ClassicFilm
#thecompassrose #patricioguzman #classicfilm
"The rich are never going to side with us. And everything we workers have now, we have thanks to the current government. Because we have never had anything."
The Battle of Chile by Patricio Guzmán (1975-1979)
#patricioguzman #thebattleofchile
"The rich are never going to side with us. And everything we workers have now, we have thanks to the current government. Because we have never had anything."
The Battle of Chile by Patricio Guzmán (1975-1979)
#patricioguzman #thebattleofchile
Así se empaquetaban los cuerpos que posteriormente eran arrojados al mar en los vuelos de la muerte del Puma H-255 entre el Aeródromo Tobalaba y San Antonio. Narrado por el periodista Javier Rebolledo en #ElBotónDeNacar, documental de #PatricioGuzmán.
#elbotondenacar #patricioguzman #sinmemorianohaydemocracia #sinmemorianohayhistoria #wallmapu #temuco #chile