#YlangYlang and I are now at close to 30 episodes of Heavy Metal Parking Lot, our monthly radio show on #n10as #webradio. A few years in, episode 29 airs today at 5pm EST.
Tune in for your monthly fix of recontextualised musics, levels easy to difficult!
With the sounds of #RatHeartEnsemble #PatrickCowley #Sungod #laminfofana #NyokabiKariuki #MotenLópezCleaver #KhamMeslien #FatimaKwAkE #StefanaFratila #PeterBarclay and #Gayance
#tiotiake #Montreal #montrealshowsdotcom
#ylangylang #n10as #webradio #ratheartensemble #patrickcowley #sungod #laminfofana #nyokabikariuki #motenlopezcleaver #khammeslien #fatimakwake #stefanafratila #peterbarclay #gayance #tiotiake #montreal #montrealshowsdotcom
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheBlessedMadonna
Patrick Cowley:
🎵 Do You Wanna Funk?
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheBlessedMadonna #patrickcowley
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Patrick Cowley & Jorge Socarras:
🎵 Eddie Go To My Head
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #patrickcowley #jorgesocarras
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MidnightInAPerfectWorld
Patrick Cowley:
🎵 Love & Passion
#nowplaying #MidnightInAPerfectWorld #patrickcowley
As old electronic dance music goes, I think it’s hard to beat #patrickcowley https://youtu.be/pQB2F0zv0zo