Patrick Geddes and his work need more attention.
Via Lost Edinburgh on FB.
#Edinburgh #Philosophy #anarchism #urban #cityplanning #Greens #poverty #PatrickGeddes #Scotland
#scotland #patrickgeddes #poverty #greens #cityplanning #urban #anarchism #philosophy #edinburgh
“simply in the springing of the year” Robert Frost
What a brilliant #ZoomRegenerative with Dr John Ennis sharing insights from Journeys in Design ... Soil, Seas and Streets ... Flax, plastic recovery from the seas & biophilic walks in Edinburgh, London and Barcelona ... (re)introducing/reinforcing #PatrickGeddes as a significant thinker, not only in town planning and sustainability ("Folk Place Work") but also biophilic design (“By Leaves We Live”)
#zoomregenerative #patrickgeddes