People ask me why
I never find a place to stop
And settle down, down, down
But I never wanted all those things
People need to justify
Their lives, lives, lives
"Born to Be Alive" (Ima learn to dance too!)
#PatrickHernandez (1978/9)
✂️ Extended Remix cut to classic Hollywood dance scenes.
#70s #disco #eddiefm #patrickhernandez #HashtagGames #songssangbyrobotcops
Anybody else old enough to remember when Disco music was something to fight over?
#Culture, #Music, #1970s, #AnitaWard, #BeeGees, #Blondie, #CherylLynn, #Chic, #Disco, #Foxy, #Kool&TheGang, #LippsInc, #PatrickHernandez, #Peaches&Herb, #RoseRoyce, #Sylvester
#culture #music #1970s #anitaward #beegees #blondie #cheryllynn #chic #disco #foxy #kool #lippsinc #patrickhernandez #peaches #roseroyce #sylvester
For absolutely no reason, this just popped into my head, so I’m infecting you with it, too. #PatrickHernandez #BornToBeAlive https://music.apple.com/ca/album/born-to-be-alive-mix-79/325803682?i=325803688
#borntobealive #patrickhernandez