#13books that I think about often:
#OliverSacks Musicophilia
#WillAitken Antigone Undone: #JulietteBinoche, #AnneCarson, #IvoVanHove, and the Art of Resistance
#NickCave, And the Ass Saw the Angel
#MarkZDanielewski House of Leaves
#UmbertoEco The Island of the Day Before
#HermannHesse Glass Bead Game
#PatrickMcCabe Poguemahone
#NealStephenson Anathem
#HalldorLaxness Under the Glacier
#CanXue Frontier
#JohnDarnielle x2: Universal Harvester, Master of Reality
#MaggieRowe Sin Bravely
#maggierowe #johndarnielle #canxue #halldorlaxness #nealstephenson #patrickmccabe #hermannhesse #umbertoeco #markzdanielewski #nickcave #ivovanhove #AnneCarson #JulietteBinoche #willaitken #oliversacks #13books
“‘Fuck syntax and spelling! It’s what you’ve got to say that’s important! That’s all I want to hear!’” -
Call Me the Breez, Patrick McCabe
“The truth is you — you are the truth. And you will find who you are by doing. Not by excessive thinking, which was the way I’d once understood things to be …’”-
Call Me the Breeze, Patrick McCabe
Mastodon lists seem to be in 7s, so my top 7 books of 2022 are:
#PatrickMcCabe - Poguemahone
#OlgaTokarczuk - The Books of Jacob (translation)
#JohnElizabethStintzi - My Volcano
#JohnDarnielle - Devil House
#RodrigoFresán - The Remembered Part (translation)
#MiekoKawakami - All the Lovers in the Night (translation)
#ReneeGladman - Plans for Sentences
#patrickmccabe #OlgaTokarczuk #johnelizabethstintzi #johndarnielle #rodrigofresan #miekokawakami #reneegladman #bookstodon