Kotaku: OMG, Doctor Who Is Finally Going To Be Sexy https://kotaku.com/doctor-who-series-14-ncuti-gatwa-barbie-15th-doctor-1850582187 #gaming #tech #kotaku #christophereccleston #fourteenthdoctor #thirteenthdoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #petercapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ChristopherEccleston #fourteenthdoctor #ThirteenthDoctor #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #fifteenthdoctor #jodiewhittaker #twiceuponatime #twelfthdoctor #jonathangroff #milliegibson #PeterCapaldi #eighthdoctor #davidtennant #tenthdoctor #ncutigatwa #doctorwho #mattsmith #timelords #thedoctor #Tennant #doctors #gatwa #house
#ScarsOfDracula (1970) and #FrankensteinAndTheMonsterFromHell (1974), alongside #JasonAndTheArgonauts (1963), #SinbadAndTheEyeOfTheTiger (1977) and #TheBoxOfDelights (1984). A portentous scene stealer as the doomed, impaled priest in Richard Donner's #TheOmen (1976).
#PatrickTroughton #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #DoctorWho #DrWho #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #SciFi #CultTV
#scarsofdracula #frankensteinandthemonsterfromhell #jasonandtheargonauts #sinbadandtheeyeofthetiger #theboxofdelights #theomen #patricktroughton #bornonthisday #botd #otd #doctorwho #drwho #hammerhorror #britishhorror #scifi #culttv
Listening to Patrick Troughton's life biography read and narrated by son Michael. Imo the most enigmatic and private actor to have ever played The Doctor. Some really interesting anecdotes so far :) #DoctorWho #PatrickTroughton
Here we go, #fediverse
Here’s my #review of the #episode of #classic #doctorwho serial, The Abominable Snowmen.
Treat me gently, please!
https://youtu.be/1-KQcC2XsWc via @YouTube #DrWho #DoctorWho #TheAbominableSnowmen #SecondDoctor #PatrickTroughton #Jamie #Victoria #FrazerHines #DeborahWatling #Yeti #BBCAmerica
#fediverse #review #episode #classic #doctorwho #drwho #theabominablesnowmen #seconddoctor #patricktroughton #jamie #Victoria #FrazerHines #deborahwatling #yeti #bbcamerica
I almost forgot to post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNaDchuGutQ
It’s my #video #review of episode 4 of #classic #DoctorWho story, the #AbominableSnowmen
It’s not that often I try and explain the difference between a #Tetrahedron and a #pyramid!
#DrWho #SecondDoctor #PatrickTroughton
I hope my fellow #Whovians enjoy it
#video #review #classic #doctorwho #abominablesnowmen #pyramid #drwho #seconddoctor #patricktroughton #whovians #tetrahedron
Christmas is coming, and there are plenty of goodies for lovers of our favourite Time Lord in my Etsy store: etsy.me/3gH7Fom #DoctorWhoَ #TomBaker #PeterCapaldi #JonPertwee #DavidTennant #ChristopherEccleston #WilliamHartnell #PatrickTroughton #MattSmith #LimitedEdition #prints #artonmastodon
#doctorwhoَ #tombaker #petercapaldi #jonpertwee #davidtennant #christophereccleston #williamhartnell #patricktroughton #mattsmith #limitededition #prints #artonmastodon
#DoctorWho is a serious show for serious peop--
#jonpertwee #patricktroughton #doctorwhoday #DoctorWho
I drew these stylised, faintly Hirschfeld-ish pictures of the first two Doctors, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton, on my tablet a few years ago. Just thought I’d share them for today’s Whoniversary.
#FanArt #DigitalArt #DoctorWho #DrWho #ClassicWho #WilliamHartnell #PatrickTroughton #scifi #sciencefiction
#sciencefiction #scifi #patricktroughton #williamhartnell #classicwho #drwho #doctorwho #digitalart #fanart
Just in case you’re interested … ?
That announcement — on my YouTube channel, @MrCuddy2977 — lets you know I’m going to watch Episode 3 of classic #doctorwho story, #TheAbominableSnowmen.
My full review? Will go live, tomorrow night.
You can see the first two reviews, here
I hope you enjoy them!
#doctorwho #theabominablesnowmen #drwho #seconddoctor #patricktroughton
#DoctorWho #2ndDoctor #Daleks #PatrickTroughton
Meanwhile somewhere in the Arctic
#doctorwho #2nddoctor #daleks #patricktroughton
Doctor Who — The Abominable Snowmen — Episode 2 — A Review https://youtu.be/I8SoQrF8xUk via @YouTube #DrWho #AbominableSnowmen #DoctorWho #SecondDoctor #Jamie #Victoria #PatrickTroughton #review
One of these days … ?
I’ll add the episode …
#drwho #abominablesnowmen #doctorwho #seconddoctor #jamie #Victoria #patricktroughton #review
Penúltimo #DoctorWho pixelado, #PatrickTroughton, con su flauta.
Es de los doctores que menos he visto. No ayuda que de su etapa se tengan bastantes capítulos perdidos, aunque llevan tiempo desde la BBC haciendo recreaciones animadas de dichos capítulos.
#pixelart #pixels #patricktroughton #doctorwho