Features of the #PatristicTextArchive reader for #DigitalEditions of #Christian texts from #LateAntiquity (https://pta.bbaw.de):
(1) **Options**
- Show/hide markers for annotations (of places, persons, groups, biblical references; variants; witnesses; pagebreaks) in text
- Output formats (print or download): annotated text, plaintext; XML; link to analysis of text by https://voyant-tools.org
- Version history (it's possible to display earlier versions in the reader)
- Show/hide manuscript scans (in case of manuscript transcriptions only; zoom and magnifier are accessible via right-click in the image viewer)
(2) **Document**
- Bibliographical Data: Source, type and status of edition
- Identifier: PTA, TLG, CPG/CPL/BHG/BHL, Pinakes-Oeuvre
- Reuse: Permalink (with option for copy to clipboard), License, How to cite (with option for copy to clipboard)
(3) **Praefatio, witnesses**
- Praefatio
- used earlier editions
- manuscript witnesses (also in schematic representation)
- conjectors
#patristictextarchive #DigitalEditions #christian #lateantiquity
The #TEI #manuscripts database of the #PatristicTextArchive has received another technical update: you can now filter the manuscripts interactively via a #map (mapping the repositories) or a #timeline (showing the date of origin). For example, you can see in which libraries the manuscripts transmitting one of the texts are kept today: https://pta.bbaw.de/en/manuscripts?q=pta0001.pta001 @antiquidons
#tei #manuscripts #patristictextarchive #map #timeline