Finally got #pgwatch2 to monitor my lab #PostgreSQL #Databases up an running on #openSUSE Leap 15.4. It was quite a bit of work to figure out the setup and it was anything but easy.
I use #GrafanaServer and run #PostgreSQL 15.3, including #Patroni and #etcd.
#pgwatch2 #PostgreSQL #database #opensuse #grafanaserver #patroni #etcd #opensuseleap #grafana
It's the last day of May and today's #CitusCon video of the day is by @cyberdemn of Microsoft, who is the lead of the Patroni project for PostgreSQL...
If you want to learn about the key to scalable (horizontally scalable) & fault-tolerant PostgreSQL, watch this talk (and demo) about Citus and Patroni.
#PostgreSQL #Citus #databases #Patroni #Microsoft #OpenSource #HighAvailability
#CitusCon #postgresql #citus #databases #patroni #microsoft #opensource #highavailability
Ein ganz besonders tiefer Dank geht heute an all die lieben Patroni von Colibri Comics!
Eure Unterstützung bedeutet mir persönlich sehr viel )
Wer mitmachen mag, kann dies hier tun:
#patreon #patroni #DANKE #support #unterstützung #einfachLiebeLeute
#einfachliebeleute #unterstutzung #support #danke #patroni #patreon
If you are #Patroni user and interested about #Citus, or if you are a #Citus user and want to run it with #HA and automatic failover, or even (especially) if you never heard about neither #Citus nor #Patroni, then you will find interesting to read a new blog post:
It explains how the new Patroni 3.0 release integrates with Citus extension to PostgreSQL and makes the best of two worlds - #Scalable and Fault-Tolerant #PostgreSQL!
#patroni #citus #ha #scalable #postgresql
Is there an easy solution how to deploy #PostgreSQL 15 with #Patroni 3 and #etcd as a 2 node cluster?
At the moment, I got 2 nodes who think "I am the leader"...
I am very happy to announce that my talk "Protecting your data with Patroni and pgBackRest" has been accepted to the very first PGDay MED. :postgresql:
It will also be a first time for me to visit Malta.
I hope you can come as well.
Get the schedule and register here:
#postgresql #patroni #pgday #pgbackrest #backup #database #dba
#postgresql #patroni #pgday #pgBackRest #backup #database #dba
So today we dropped the 11.2 open source release of the Citus database extension for Postgres!!
Here is the post about Citus 11.2 written by @marcoslot (who is not yet active on Mastodon but hopefully will be over time!)
One of the cool things that released in the same timeframe is Patroni 3.0 support for Citus high availability (page @cyberdemn for more details if you're interested in that.)
#PostgreSQL #Postgres #Citus #Patroni #database #OpenSource #Microsoft
#postgresql #postgres #citus #patroni #database #opensource #microsoft
We just baked a new major release 3.0.0 of #Patroni #PostgreSQL #HA. It includes two new great features: DCS failsafe mode and Citus integration!
Besides that, it is the last release supporting Python 2.7. Support will be removed and upcoming releases would only be tested with 3.7+
Last, but not least, we deem RAFT support as unstable and willing to deprecate it.
Release notes:
Thanks to all users and contributors!🐘🐘🐘
New #Patroni @PostgreSQL
#HA release 2.1.6 is out. This version includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements (including security enhancements). Thanks to all users and contributors 🐘🐘🐘
release notes:
The video of my talk at #IncontroDevOpsItalia, protecting your data with #patroni and #pgBackrest is now available on #youtube #IDI22 #PostgreSQL :postgresql:
#incontrodevopsitalia #patroni #pgBackRest #youtube #idi22 #postgresql
@Swiss_PGDay Do you have a favorite 3rd party tool for handling automatic failover to a #Postgres replica? I’m using #Patroni at the moment. Hopp Schwiiz!
If you're using #postgresql in production, you should check out #patroni. It supports automatic failover and failback. So cool!
OH: "I want 5 nines, what does that mean?"
"It means the sales team was involved."
"#PostgreSQL High Availability With #Patroni"
#perconalive #postgresql #patroni
demain, meetup #PostgreSQL #12 à #Nantes, on y parlera de #Patroni et PG11 à @LaCordeeNantes avec @Seyos_recrut :