Actor talks against #woke #trigger warnings for fundamental failure to understand theatre
There is a fundamental failure to grasp what the #theatre is: not a model for behaviour but a crucible in which we look at what it is to be human.
Rabbi Jonathan Romain described trigger warnings as "incredibly #patronising" & a “disservice” to viewers
They are warning them off learning about things that may be unpleasant but are certainly real
#criticalthinking #triggerwarnings #patronising #theatre #trigger #woke
When you see a spelling mistake and you really want to point it out but it feels too patronising...
#spelling #etiquette #patronising #words
It's because that is what most people are only believed to be capable of understanding. Which may be true for a proportion but if alternatives are never aired widely nobody will ever know if these are understood. #patronising
There's always a reason for politicians saying and doing things and it usually leads back to power, influence & gain for them.
This is what I want to tell everyone using their smartphone camera on the streets, getting lots of strangers (inculding me) on their clips which they then publish on IG, TT, you name it:
“Please don’t film me!”
h/t @nileane
#StopFilmingStrangers #Surveillance #Privacy #Patronising #Abuse #NoConsent #AskForConsent #IDontConsent #TikTok #Instagram #YouTube #ContentCreator #GetARealJob #GetALife
#stopfilmingstrangers #surveillance #privacy #patronising #abuse #noconsent #askforconsent #idontconsent #tiktok #instagram #youtube #contentcreator #getarealjob #GetALife
Oh I can't believe such foul language 😂🤣
Next time shove that #patronising tone up your #lightning port, will you my dear?
Doing without the feast of #patronising that is the #LateLateToyShow this year. Love the kids, but I can't stand the presentation