#PatternLiteracy is on my mind today. It's come up a couple times.
I remain saddened that one of my #Permaculture instructors, Toby Hemenway - Author of Gaia's Garden and The Permaculture City passed away before he could complete his next book Pattern Literacy.
#patternliteracy #permaculture
@md The supposition is based on #PatternLiteracy although they probably don't even know what that is. Essentially, by focusing on the wants and needs of their customers in an attempt to maximize profits, the same basic pattern emerged that drove the emergence of towns.
The difference is that the car and car infrastructure interrupted the working pattern of a downtown community. So its only natural that the basic pattern would re-emerge in another form.
A new attempt at #PatternLiteracy being applied to an affordable #community #development in New York as a #BlueZone focused on replicating patterns found in communities where people live long lives.
NYTimes article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/28/nyregion/new-york-brooklyn-blue-zones.html
paywall busted version: https://archive.is/t9Rnu
#patternliteracy #community #development #bluezone
@jfreebo You seem to be a natural at #PatternLiteracy.
These are the classics on the subject. The Timeless Way of Building.
and its companion A Pattern Language.
I'm still just skimming... Pattern 100: Pedestrian Streets.
Here's another sample from "A Pattern Language"
They basically outlined the need for and full concept of ride-sharing apps in 1977. based on the application of #PatternLiteracy
Oh WOW! Cornell University has made "A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction" by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein available for free as a PDF.
This 1977 book was a big influence on Bill Mollison & #Permaculture. and the field of #PatternLiteracy. It goes from large patterns like towns & communities down to personal space. Combining the patterns of human life and nature to create spaces supportive of balance in those pattern interactions. sample pages:
#permaculture #patternliteracy