This is the first of a series of videos featuring some beats I've made with #strudel in #patternuary
Given the strong possibility of #bitrot, and also the fact that not all of my #patternuary patterns were in fact code based, I've assembled them all as a single video and also released the audio as an album on #bandcamp
#bitrot #patternuary #bandcamp
all of my #patternuary patterns now live happily here:
It was a pleasure to participate, also cool to see how other people use #strudel! There are so many different ways to use #tidalcycles patterns and that is fascinating
#patternuary #strudel #tidalcycles
Been so caught up with stuff that I forgot to post my patternuarys from the past month. They will all be hosted on my website under the link
Expect lots of custom samples so they won't play nice on mainline Strudel unless you use the right imports. #patternuary
just another episode in "browser breaking beats":
I fell off the #patternuary train but here's two weeks worth:
#patternuary 2023-01-31 #strudel
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
await samples('github:tedthetrumpet/testpage/master/strudelsamples/')
const loop = (n) => rand.range(0,n).floor().segment(n)
Pattern.prototype.slice = function(slices, control) {
return control.fmap(i => this.begin(i/slices).end((i+1)/slices)).outerJoin()
.slice(16, loop(16).restart("t"))
.n("<1 1 1 3>< 0 2 4 3>")
.slow(4 * 120/160)
#patternuary 2023-01-30
I don't understand this kind of coding in #strudel – this is the best I can do :(
"<C^7 Bb^7>/2"
.struct("x(<3 5>,8,<0 1>)")
note("D2!9 F2!3 G2!5".slow(2))
I don't know what this is but it's glitchy and weird and why not
#patternuary 2023-01-28 #strudel
// ambient whistles texture
await samples('github:tedthetrumpet/testpage/master/strudelsamples/')
.slow(8).n("<0 1 2 3>/8")
.speed("<0.5 0.25>/16")
#patternuary 2023-01-28 #strudel
// bleepy rave
const run = (n) => saw.range(0,n).floor().segment(n)
n(run("4 7 18 9").inside("<2 3 4>", rev).mul(4).add("<20 10 30 40>")).cpm(80).color('orange')
n(run("16").add("<0 8>")).slow(2).gain(0.3).s("RolandMC303_perc").pan(rand.range(0.5,0.7)).color('green')
speedrun no 3, this time a more fuzzy type of genre
oh no, 8 days to catch up...
let's do a quick beat then:
#patternuary 2023-01-25 #strudel
Just a few days more! keep going! keep going! Even if the ideas are not very good…
await samples('github:tedthetrumpet/testpage/master/strudelsamples/')
n("7 1 5 6 3 5 1 7 2 5 6 1 3 4 2 3 5 6 ")
.s("atomtones demung!3")
.iter("2 4 8")
.slow("8 4 2 1".mul(2))
.when("{1 0!6}%8", x=>x.speed(0.5).legato(0.1))
n(" 8 7 2!2 3 6 4 [9 8] 7 2 [3 6] 4 8 7 6 2 3")