"Because the Night" is a #rock song written by #BruceSpringsteen and Patti Smith that was first released in 1978 as a single from the #PattiSmithGroup album #Easter. This version rose to No. 13 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, as well as No. 5 in the #UnitedKingdom, and helped propel sales of Easter to mainstream success. The song has subsequently been covered by numerous artists, and at least two of these cover versions have been chart hits.
#rock #brucespringsteen #pattismithgroup #easter #unitedkingdom
Question is… which of these apartments in my block with open windows is blasting #PattiSmithGroup 🎶 🤣 🕵️♂️
Good choice in music though 👌
💿Il y a 45 ans aujourd'hui, #PattiSmithGroup sortait son troisième album, "Easter" enregistré au Record Plant Studio de New York.
Ce disque contient le plus gros succès de la formation, "Because the Night" sur une musique de Bruce Springsteen sur laquelle il n’avait pas trouvé de paroles adéquates.
C’est en pensant à Fred "Sonic" Smith son futur mari (Guitariste du MC5) que Patti écrira les paroles.
On this day, December 27, 1946: Lenny Kaye was born in Washington Heights, NY.
Today’s soundtrack: Patti Smith Group, “Nuggets” (“It’s a nugget, if you dug it”), and all of his always amazing guest turns on guitar and producing other albums.
Today’s book club: Lenny’s “Waylon: The Life Story of Waylon Jennings” and "Lightning Strikes:Ten Transformative Moments in Rock and Roll"
#otd #nuggets #pattismithgroup #lennykaye
#DeepThoughts while #running today:
My favorite #PattiSmith song is #DancingBarefoot
which is probably why I dig #DrivinNCryin #ScarletButterfly
Of the era, I also dig the cover by #TheFeelies #Feelies https://youtu.be/XgdVzVMa7-0
Hear that guitar connecting them all? 💙
#music #rock #rawk #musodon #mastoMusic #postPunk #SouthernJanglePunk #JangleRock #Wave #IvanKral #ScarredButSmarter #PattiSmithGroup #ToddRundgren #GoodCoverSongsExist
#goodcoversongsexist #ToddRundgren #pattismithgroup #scarredbutsmarter #ivankral #wave #janglerock #southernjanglepunk #postpunk #mastomusic #musodon #rawk #rock #music #feelies #thefeelies #scarletbutterfly #drivinncryin #dancingbarefoot #pattismith #running #deepthoughts