I have to say #PaulaCole’s album This Fire is an absolute classic in my music collection. Sure there I Don’t Want To Wait and Where Have All The Cowboys Gone, but the other tracks are absolutely fantastic. Like her voice brings epic levels of drama along with the drums and guitars, but then there a couple of soft almost haunting tracks that get you in the feels. It’s a stunner of an album. #music
🎧 Fall, 1993 | #PeterGabriel's "Secret World Tour" played two nights in Modena Italy, and the concerts were filmed and released. Here's a version of #InYourEyes you maybe haven't seen. #PaulaCole and #PapaWemba (RIP) join Peter on vocals. #PapaWemba's band, Molokai made the music! 🔥 There's a lot of #joy in these ten minutes. 💖
@alexlac51 inspired this post. Thank you. https://youtu.be/evN6DIGPIJM
#petergabriel #inyoureyes #paulacole #papawemba #joy
Tom is now listening to I Don't Want to Wait
#JukeboxFridayNight #resilience Don't Give Up #PeterGabriel with #PaulaCole https://youtu.be/98lNKjwYtaU
#jukeboxfridaynight #resilience #petergabriel #paulacole
Here she is 26 years later talking about some life-rending things that happened on that 1993 tour with Peter Gabriel. Worth a watch! #PaulaCole
Paula Cole Calls For #MeToo #Activism With ‘Revolution’ – Open Studio with Jared Bowen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQYoey4T55M&ab_channel=GBH
stellt euch mal vor, ihr seid so ungefähr 25 Jahre alt.
#petergabriel (ja, DER Peter Gabriel) ruft euch an und hinterlässt eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an seiner Tournee auf dem Anrufbeantworter (!). Und ihr fliegt sofort von San Francisco nach Mannheim (!), um an den Proben teilzunehmen. Und anstelle von Sinead O'Connor zu singen. Und kriegt den Job.
Der Rest ist dann Geschichteund hört sich so an
Danke, #PaulaCole
Danke #PeterGabriel
Anybody else get that part in that Paula Cole song stuck in their head all the time?
"While you go have a beeeeeeaaaaaaaeeeeeeeaaaar..."
Why in the hell does my brain attach itself to absurdity so keenly? Why do some people attract weird while others attract vanilla bread paper?
Who knows?
#paulacole #beer #whyweisasweis