Die Miniserie „A Very British Scandal“ in der ZDF-Mediathek dreht sich um die Scheidung der Herzogin von Argyll, „Monsieur Claude 2“ gibt’s noch für kurze Zeit in der ARD-Mediathek. Und im Horrorfilm „Shepherd — Fluch der Vergangenheit“ bei Freevee trauert Eric um seine verstorbene Frau.
#AVeryBritishScandal #ClaireFoy #MonsieurClaude #PaulBettany #Shepherd #WasLäuftHeute
#averybritishscandal #clairefoy #monsieurclaude #paulbettany #shepherd #waslauftheute
Two more #Broadway plays have posted closing notices. #OhioStateMurders, starring #AudraMcDonald will close Sunday, January 15.
#TheCollaboration, starring #PaulBettany and #JeremyPope has extended its run by a week, now set to close Sunday, February 5.
#broadway #ohiostatemurders #audramcdonald #thecollaboration #paulbettany #jeremypope
One of my favourite historically-themed #films of all time: Peter Weir's MASTER AND COMMANDER. #RussellCrowe and #PaulBettany lead a stellar cast with top-teir performances in an action/adventure #film that delivers. #Cinema #Cinematsodon #Movie #MovieReview #FilmReview
#films #russellcrowe #paulbettany #film #cinema #cinematsodon #movie #moviereview #filmreview
Paul Bettany spills truth and the mob laughs...as usual!
#paulbettany #meghanmarkle #SleeperAgent #mkultra #MoeFactz
Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters Friday, but here's an early review for it. More like Yawn Solo, amirite? http://bit.ly/YawnSolo #SoloAStarWarsStory #moviereview #AldenEhrenreich #WoodyHarrelson #EmiliaClarke #DonaldGlover #ThandieNewton #PhoebeWalkerBridge #JoonasSuotamo #PaulBettany #RonHoward #JonathanKasdan #LawrenceKasdan #spacewestern #action #adventure #fantasy #StarWars #Movies #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures
#soloastarwarsstory #moviereview #aldenehrenreich #woodyharrelson #emiliaclarke #donaldglover #thandienewton #phoebewalkerbridge #joonassuotamo #paulbettany #ronhoward #jonathankasdan #lawrencekasdan #spacewestern #action #adventure #fantasy #starwars #movies #waltdisneystudiosmotionpictures