“My child, take heart: the #fruit that undid Man / Brought out as well the best in #PaulCezanne.”
#WSJ, “Review”
#wsj #johnupdike #paulcezanne #fruit
Emile Zola advised me to depict ancient nymphs in landscapes - he wanted the nymphs to walk under the trees of Provence! Damned idiot!
#paulcezanne #emilezola #art #painting #mastoart #idiot
Cézanne felt he had to rise to the challenge of one question above anything else: What exactly is it to be a modern artist?
RT @Agniesz61796740@twitter.com
19.01.1839 ur. się Paul Cèzanne, francuski malarz postimpresjonista. Jego twórczość stanowi pomost między impresjonizmem, a kubizmem. Ulubiona tematyka artysty to pejzaże, portrety i martwe natury.
#Bornonthisday #PaulCèzanne
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Agniesz61796740/status/1615989974901444608
#BornOnThisDay #paulcezanne #paintings
Paul Cézanne (French) - The Card Players, oil on canvas, 1890-1892 #PaulCezanne #PaulCézanne #Art #France #BarnesFoundation
#barnesfoundation #France #Art #paulcezanne
Paul Cezanne - The Old Gardener, 1906
#paulcezanne #cubism
#famousartists #beruhmtekunstwerke #artmatters #ayearforart #art #mastoart #paulcezanne #cubism
RT @Tate@twitter.com
Slooooow down your January with #PaulCezanne's still lifes. 🐌 In this video @Tate_Kids@twitter.com discover how Cezanne changed modern art with a simple apple. 🍎 Explore more here ➡️ https://bit.ly/3BSBBVP
#FamousArtists #BerühmteKunstwerke
Paul Cezanne - Orchard in Pontoise, 1877
#cezanne #paulcezanne
#famousartists #beruhmtekunstwerke #Cezanne #paulcezanne
Paul are you on Mastodon?
RT @cezanneart@twitter.com: House and Trees, 1894 #cezanne #paulcezanne https://www.wikiart.org/en/paul-cezanne/house-and-trees-1894
A conservator at the Cincinnati Art Museum discovers a #paulcezanne self-portrait hidden below an 1865 still life painting.
#paulcezanne #art #Painting #discovery #Museum
#Rembrandt was once asked why so many of his works look half-finished. He replied: “A work of #qrt is complete when in it the #artist has realized his intention.”
And #PaulCezanne, who was never satisfied, rarely signed his works. In a letter to his mother, he wrote that finishing things was a goal for imbeciles.”
And the most practical, “#Warhol may have had the best answer, to how artists know a work is finished. Warhol’s response was: “when the check clears.”
#warhol #paulcezanne #artist #QRT #rembrandt
The painter who revealed how our eyes really see the world
By Matthew Wilson | via BBC Culture
#culture #art #arthistory #painting #paintings #history #read #paulcezanne
#paulcezanne #read #history #paintings #painting #arthistory #art #culture #reading
#PaulCézanne (19 de enero de 1839 - 22 de octubre de 1906)
"Un arte que no se basa en el sentimiento no es arte."
RT @cezanneart: Portrait of the Artist's Son, 1885 #cezanne #paulcezanne https://www.wikiart.org/en/paul-cezanne/portrait-of-the-artist-s-son-1885
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1535667567855034370
RT @cezanneart: The House with the Cracked Walls, 1894 #postimpressionism #paulcezanne
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1521620016910770176
#postimpressionism #paulcezanne
RT @cezanneart: Flowers and Fruit, 1880 #paulcezanne #postimpressionism
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1520512242671927300
#paulcezanne #postimpressionism
#Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience
RT @cezanneart: Chateau Noir, 1904 #cubism #paulcezanne
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1518231618778980352
RT @cezanneart: Mont Sainte-Victoire, 1906 #paulcezanne #cezanne
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1518005811485806593