"What the Voice challenges us to do is finally to engage in truth telling and transcend the profound differences between the cultures. That is why the issue is beyond politics. First Nations peoples in the Uluru Statement from the Heart requested that the Voice be enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
But the process symbolises something much deeper – an acknowledged reconciliation between two groups of peoples who have reached across a divide to share a unique place together – Australia."
#Indigenous #VoiceToParliament
Link to the Voice and Reconciliation opinion piece by #PaulCollins on the #JohnMenadue's Pearls and Irritations website: https://johnmenadue.com/the-voice-and-reconciliation/
#indigenous #voicetoparliament #paulcollins #johnmenadue
@JensJot @ariaflame @textfiles
A short story. At a local town fair 15 years ago. Through a mutual friend, introduced to an author. We got talking about books, his time in the Commandos, Bob Jones Karate days & books. Then he told me, “Peter, I never had a single book growing up, there were none in the house.”
Today #PaulCollins a successful author & runs a publishing company. The more free books the better. <https://paulcollins.com.au/about-paul>