If only the media and public paid as much attention to House of Lords appointments.
#matthewelliott #nadinedorries #pauldacre #evgenylebedev
How is Britain rising to this inspiring coronation moment? By obsessing about the Sussexes again https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/18/britain-coronation-sussexes-mugs-quiche-articles-california?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#gtto #evgenylebedev #pauldacre #nadinedorries #matthewelliott
Doreen Lawrence alleges the Daily Mail instructed private investigators to: conduct illegal interception of her voicemail messages, tap her landline telephone, blag personal records, monitor her bank accounts and phone bills, conduct covert electronic surveillance & make corrupt payments to serving Metropolitan police officers working on her son’s murder investigations in return for confidential information.
#DailyMail #StephenLawrence #PrinceHarry #EltonJohn #PaulDacre
#pauldacre #EltonJohn #princeharry #stephenlawrence #dailymail
Martin Rowson on Caricaturing Matt Hancock - Vote on the Best #PaulDacre #Cartoon by Byline Supplement and @MartinRowson
#pauldacre #cartoon #ukpolitics
#art #draw #cartoons #DrawDacre… Who among us could resist Throwing Our Car Keys into the polyester #shag for the chance to spend time with this #PaleyMale hunk⚠️Your #fash #fauxpas live forever on the inter tubes. #StreetOfShame #PaulDacre
#pauldacre #streetofshame #fauxpas #fash #paleymale #shag #drawdacre #cartoons #draw #art