25 jaar
14 september 1950-19 maart 1976
Engels gitarist en in 1968 mede-oprichter van de band #Free met oa #PaulRodgers, hij is verantwoordelijk voor de legendarische riff van het nummer #AllRightNow.
In 1971 split de band een eerste keer, en Rodgers richt #BadCompany op, Kossoff gaat verder met de band #KossoffKirkeTetsuAndRabbit.
Kossoff struggled met een drugsverslaving en Rodgers en de rest van Free beslist toch verder te gaan om kossoff
#paulkossoff #free #paulrodgers #allrightnow #badcompany #kossoffkirketetsuandrabbit #gonetoosoon
#vinyl #paulkossoff plenty for fans of #free to enjoy on this. Backing cast of talented musicians including all members of #free plus Tetsu, Rabbity, Alan White , Jess Roden, John Martyn. Side one is an 18min blues jam. Flip over and there are 5 songs on side two including Molten Gold with Paul Rodgers on vocals. It’s really only for #free fans though 6/10
Ted Tocks Covers
All Right Now
Originally posted on May 15, 2021
On this day in 1976, #PaulKossoff of #Free fame died of heart failure. He was only 25.
"I said hey, what's your name baby
Maybe we can see things the same
Now don't you wait or hesitate
Let's move before they raise the parking rate"