Just heard about artist Paul Madonna’s horrific in San Francisco. He and two others were a victim of a hit and run driver. Here is the GoFundMe to help him financially…
And the news report: https://apple.news/AwVq7IOQARAOs6_E3_bQpmA
#artist #sanfracisco #paulmadonna
Just a reminder, or in case you didn’t know…
The great Bay Area artist Paul Madonna was injured in a serious car accident. He’s in for a very long recovery.
There’s a GoFundMe listed in the article. If you can, any help is appreciated.
#artists #BayArea #PaulMadonna
#artists #bayarea #paulmadonna
I discovered the art of Paul Madonna not long after I moved to San Francisco. His book All Over Coffee was sitting on the counter at Four Barrel Coffee on Valencia as I sipped my latte.
Please donate if you can.
Paul Madonna Recovery Fund https://gofund.me/14d58bc5
#allovercoffee #sanfrancisco #gofundme #paulmadonna
RT @EudaimoniaRese1@twitter.com
Paul Madonna, an extraordinary #SanFrancisco #artist and #author, has been seriously injured in a hit & run car wreck. Please help this wonderful human being as he embarks on a long, slow recovery. Books, prints & originals available at: http://PaulMadonna.com #PaulMadonna @SFAC@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EudaimoniaRese1/status/1592569400498192386
#paulmadonna #author #Artist #sanfrancisco
Sad news... but you can help!
Artist Paul Madonna, known for his iconic drawings of San Francisco and book All Over Coffee, was severely injured in a car accident on Nov. 6 and could use some help in his recovery. Please consider donating & share the link.
#sanfrancisco #art #paulmadonna #gofundme #artist #fundraiser
#sanfrancisco #art #paulmadonna #gofundme #artist #fundraiser