Islamische Zeitung · @islamischezeitung
257 followers · 1616 posts · Server

Was ist Faschismus? Aiman Mazyek bespricht ein Buch von Paul Mason
Faschismus ist laut Paul Mason die „organisierte Ablehnung des menschlichen Lebens“.

(iz). Paul Masons „Faschismus. Und wie man ihn stoppt“ (2022) ist ein interessantes Werk, das sich mit der dunklen Seite des menschlichen Bewusstseins auseinandersetzt.

Es ist ein Buch

#rezension #paulmason #faschismus #aimanmazyek #terrorideologie #debatte #medien

Last updated 1 year ago

Lynton North · @RedGreenLibre
268 followers · 4833 posts · Server on problem.
[In Part 1 I outlined the role of Stalinism, pro-Putin groups and US confusionism in creating a ready-mix ideology for red-brown conspiracy theorists in the UK. In Part 2 I ask: how did we get there and what can be done?]

#paulmason #redbrown #querfront #confusionism

Last updated 1 year ago

Lydia Conwell · @lydiaconwell
698 followers · 6384 posts · Server
⭐Spartacus · @IAmSpartacus
567 followers · 19960 posts · Server

"In "The Internationale " is punishable by up to five years in prison for one person and up to 10 years in prison for members of an organization"

From when it wasn't full of shit like

#ukraine #guardian #paulmason

Last updated 2 years ago

⭐Spartacus · @IAmSpartacus
561 followers · 19395 posts · Server

Here the laid out how the / orchestrated a coup of , then they installed their puppets to bomb TF out of ethnic Russian eastern Ukraine and install missiles pointed at to incite Putin into war.

If that makes you feel stupid, it's because you probably are, just like

#guardian #us #cia #nazi #ukraine #nato #moscow #paulmason

Last updated 2 years ago

⭐Spartacus · @IAmSpartacus
561 followers · 19395 posts · Server

Here the laid out how the / orchestrated a coup of , then they installed their puppets to bomb TF out of ethnic Russian eastern Ukraine and install missiles pointed at to incite Putin into war.

If that makes you feel stupid, just like it's because you probably are.

#guardian #us #cia #nazi #ukraine #nato #moscow #paulmason

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Green · @stevegreen
144 followers · 680 posts · Server

Powerful arguments by "the three democratic P5 powers have to show willingness to lead a coalition that will supply the means to kick Putin’s armies out.

If they succeed, German’s position as a free rider in Western deterrence will be an established fact. The will have stopped halfway. ’s authority — within , the and all the other multilateral institutions its authority depends on — will be weakened."

#paulmason #ukraine #zeitenwende #germany #nato #eu

Last updated 2 years ago

Supposedly “left-wing” journalist, , has been caught declaring war on the left.

He stated in an email to several willing to inform on and undermine their own colleagues: "the far left rogue academics is who I’m after… The important task is to quarantine their 'soft' influencers and expose/#stigmatise the hard ideologists."

We leave the term 'quarantine' to your imagination.

#uk #paulmason #antiwar #academics

Last updated 2 years ago

Supposedly “left-wing” journalist, , has caught declaring war on the left.

He stated in an email to several willing to inform on and undermine their own colleagues: "the far left rogue academics is who I’m after… The important task is to quarantine their 'soft' influencers and expose/#stigmatise the hard ideologists."

We leave the term 'quarantine' to your imagination.

#uk #paulmason #antiwar #academics

Last updated 2 years ago

· @TinodiGacco
71 followers · 704 posts · Server

Emails confirm pro-NATO warmonger Paul Mason works with intelligence agencies

is a supposed “independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists” staffed by former British and US army and security service figures, closely tied to the Atlantic Council and governments in London and Washington and funded by the front organisation, the National Endowment for Democracy. It produces “investigations” conducive to the interests of US and British imperialism. Mason writes that the organisation can provide “intel service input by proxy”, which is what his and Khan’s plan “really also needs.”

#thegrayzone #mason #paulmason #cia #bellingcat

Last updated 2 years ago

☆joene☆ · @joenepraat
1239 followers · 20146 posts · Server



“It’s at times like this that your democracy can be stolen from under your nose... Fuck Trump.”

Lively interview with the BBC’s old economics editor.

#stopthecoup #paulmason #brexit #unitedkingdom #coup #borisjohnson

Last updated 6 years ago