My top 15 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #TheReplacements #SiteNonsite #TalkingHeads #CaterinaBarbieri #PaulWesterberg #TheMekons #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#TheReplacements #sitenonsite #talkingheads #caterinabarbieri #paulwesterberg #themekons #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
And college would have been something else without the #Replacements. <mutter>something something</mutter> Valentine's Day.
#Valentine #PleasedToMeetMe #PaulWesterberg #TommyStinson
#tommystinson #paulwesterberg #pleasedtomeetme #valentine #replacements
Paul Westerberg, 1985 Topps style, in honor of his 63rd birthday
#replacements #paulwesterberg #tim #baseballcards #cardart #jesus #taylorswift counterbalance dance… (post-weeping) “giving out their word because that’s all that they won’t keep” #PaulWesterberg #taylorswift #GreenNewDeal #proLife4trees #BEYONDNATO
#jesus #taylorswift #paulwesterberg #greennewdeal #prolife4trees #beyondnato
I wish I had never looked up the line, a favorite, from “I Will Dare.” It’s not: “Bacon and cigarettes, a lousy dinner,” but “Fingernails and cigarettes”!! #thereplacments #PaulWesterberg
#thereplacments #paulwesterberg