If this is the "leadership" to expect from govts on regulating #AI, we're doomed.
#UK press release reads like #BigTech lovefest.
These are the same CEOs whose digital platforms are destroying #democracy - why trust them with AI?
#DefendDemocracy #PauseAI #PeopleVsBigTech
#AI #uk #bigtech #democracy #DefendDemocracy #pauseai #peoplevsbigtech
As of today 2825 persons signed #FutureOfLife petition to #PauseAI
No one noted that this website uses (a so called) #AI to 'fix' #accessibility. 🤡
We know in our community how these #overlay tools and the companies behind them are harmful
#futureoflife #pauseai #ai #accessibility #overlay
Gönnt #KI mal eine Pause.
Erstmal verstehen was man da tut, und ob man das auch will, hat noch nie geschadet.
#FutureOfLife #openai #chatgpt #ai #pauseai #ki
@aeveltstra You might want to read this:
Hier, plus de 1300 spécialistes ont signé une lettre pour mettre en pause l'#IntelligenceArtificielle
Ironiquement, le site qui héberge cette lettre utilise l'IA pour 'corriger' l'#accessibilité.
Et nous savons dans la communauté #a11y à quel point ses outils sont mauvais.
D'ailleurs nous sommes près de 800 spécialistes à avoir signé une pétition à ce sujet.(https://overlayfactsheet.com/)
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #pauseAI #accessibility
#intelligenceartificielle #accessibilite #a11y #ai #artificialintelligence #pauseai #accessibility
So today more than 1300 specialists signed a letter to pause the IA.
Paradoxically this site uses AI to 'fix' #accessibility.
And we all know in the #a11y community that these tools are bad.
We are even more than 700 specialists who petionned against this. (https://overlayfactsheet.com/)
So Ironic! #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #pauseAI
#accessibility #a11y #ai #artificialintelligence #pauseai