My current meds:
- #Duloxetine (an SNRI #antidepressant, often sold as #Cymbalta)
- #Clonazepam (a #benzodiazepine primarily for #anxiety/#PanicAttacks)
- #Paroxetine (an SSRI antidepressant, known as ‘#Paxil’)
- #Lithium carbonate (a mood stabilizer, used for #BiPolar disorder, but in my case to reduce #SuicidalIdeation - intrusive suicidal impulses)
We aim to reduce the Clonazepam and Paroxetine to zero this year (I’ve ended up on these four after a long time of trying different meds).
#duloxetine #antidepressant #cymbalta #clonazepam #benzodiazepine #anxiety #paroxetine #paxil #lithium #bipolar #suicidalideation
I started a #PlantBased diet almost 4 weeks ago. I saw my GP a week and a half ago. Hopped on the scale. Cried when I saw the number on the scale. It was the heaviest I've ever been. #Steroids, #Paxil, and the pandemic lifestyle were not kind to me the last couple of years.
Fast forward to yesterday at my ortho appointment for my shoulder. Hopped on the scale. I lost 3.5 pounds. The first 3.5 in a journey to lose 100.
I nearly cried.
It's a start.