Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals:
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers:
Healthy adults not dying, but the elderly and immune compromised are.
Sobering stats and a huge study from the VA on why healthy adults want to avoid long COVID -- and how long COVID may be more common than you think.
Paxlovid -- Not only reduces complications and death, but according to one study reduces risk of long COVID by 26% over a six month period.
On masks: "If you gave the average healthy adult in America a button they could push once per day that would miraculously save the life of a random terminal patient they don't know, I figure like 60% of people wouldn't even bother to push the button on the way out the door to work each morning."
Study: Why You Should Avoid COVID Even if You're "Healthy"
#COVID #longCOVID #covidisnotover #masks #research #publichealth #paxlovid #VeteransAffairs #immunocompromised
NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot
#covid #longcovid #covidisnotover #masks #research #publichealth #paxlovid #veteransaffairs #immunocompromised
That’s an assload of unmasked faces. If they all get #COVID and have to take #Paxlovid, the French can expect a tsunami of problems at their sewage treatment plants. Do the #French treat their sewage, or is it like #India? Wear a mask, y’all. I ain’t shittin’. Well, I am actually. That’s what I’m tryna say.
#covid #paxlovid #french #india
Well, if humanity is hell-bent on bursting the world into flames and #disease, #Alaska's gotta be among the best places from which to watch that karmic #justice be exacted. If I'm able to look out my view-filled windows as I stool and drool into my high-capacity bedpan in my final days, I'll be able to smugly croak, "nailed it."
So undeserving are we who behold these scenes so easily that we can take them for granted.
#disease #alaska #justice #climate #climatechange #quirkyopinions #paxlovid #covid
#LongCovid #Paxlovid study is now open for candidates.
Day 3 of battling #covid. Most troublesome symptom is #cough which I would say is moderate at worst. A bit of #fatigue but better than yesterday. Ability to concentrate gradually returning. So keeping my fingers crossed! #CovidIsNotOver #Paxlovid
#covid #cough #fatigue #covidisnotover #paxlovid
I tested #positive yesterday. I had a scratchy #Throat and a slight #cough so I went to #CityMD. I’ve taken two doses of #Paxlovid so far, and my symptoms remain mild. In fact, the #aftertaste of the #antivirals is worse than the COVID symptoms. There goes our #wine #cruise on the #hudsonriver on #saturday.
#positive #throat #cough #citymd #paxlovid #aftertaste #antivirals #wine #cruise #hudsonriver #saturday
Remember, if you catch #COVID and your symptoms are mild, if you are over 50, have a chronic medical condition (heart disease, diabetes, etc.) you are at risk for ending up in a hospital. Maybe even dying. Call your doctor ASAP to see if you are a candidate for #Paxlovid or another drug to treat the virus. This thing is not to be treated with kid gloves even if it seems like no big deal.
Und wie so oft kriegt man auf Englisch erheblich detailliertere Infos als auf Deutsch. Falls ihr das selber mal braucht: Interaktions-Checker für #Paxlovid mit allem anderen (Wirkstoffname eingeben, nicht Medikamentenname):
So weiß ich jetzt, dass doch nur eins meiner Medis besondere Sorgfalt bei einer Kurzzeitbehandlung braucht (und das ist unkompliziert fürs kurze Absetzen). Immerhin!
Schlimmstenfalls hab ich umsonst recherchiert, aber besser so als planlos positiv!
#FDA grants full approval to Pfizer #Covid treatment #Paxlovid for high-risk adults
COVID still kills 1 person every 4 minutes despite the global emergency being officially over
FDA Approves First Oral Antiviral for Treatment of COVID-19 in Adults
#Covid #Covid19 #Paxlovid #Antiviral #CovidTreatment #FDA
#covid #covid19 #paxlovid #antiviral #covidtreatment #fda
Okay! One week since the dreaded pink line appeared on my rapid test, two days since finishing a course of Paxlovid antivirals, and today the pink line didn't appear. Here's how the last few days on an antiviral treatment went. Hopefully you'll never need to know but if you're unfortunate enough to need it, here's a bit of reassurance and a brief report.
#paxlovid #antivirals #experience #covid
This is great news. Last time I had #COVID, I took #Paxlovid the day I tested positive, and I feel fine by day five… It was like a miracle drug (first time I had it lasted four weeks!). If you test positive, be sure and ask your healthcare provider about this…
COVID-19 pill Paxlovid moves closer to full FDA approval (Chicago Tribune)
#covid #paxlovid #goodnews #covidisstillabigdeal
#Paxlovid continued. #Vermont residents, when they test positive for #covid and reach out to their PCP for treatment, are told:
There is no treatment,
Paxlovid causes rebound and therefore is not safe to take,
You don't need treatment if you're not hospitalized,
You don't need to test at all, or
Silence, because their providers don't get back to them in time for treatment to be effective.
Paxlovid: what we know and what's still missing by Protect our Province BC
Holy shit, Paxlovid!
The morning of the 7th, I was on the edge of going to the ER even with my PTSD. The evening of the 7th, I took my first Paxlovid. Today, I'm basically just dealing with slightly worse versions of my normal life, but COVID is letting me sleep better!
I know doctors warned me that after 2 days, people feel better than have a slight backslide.
Still. B``H!
"Human Challenge Study"
Wonder how many focus groups before they decided on that phrase.
This is preying on the poor... which #Covid keeps creating more of.
No amount of money is worth damaging your immune system, vital organs, lifespan, quality of life.
How is this even legal??
Also, why do they need to test #paxlovid if it's already been approved? Seems a bit backwards, no??
#covid #paxlovid #covidisnotover #longcovid
Kennt jemand eine Praxis in der Region Hannover/Braunschweig/Hildesheim bei der man #Paxlovid erhalten könnte? Frage für einen Twitteruser.