I tested Negative this morning for #Covid19 but I still feel crap and I'm aware of #PaxlovidRebound so will retest further on in the week. I'm still going to rest and take it easy as advised.
M’y test returned positive. I’m waiting to see if I can take a shelter-administered test to confirm. This is so long after my first diagnosis to test positive again. #WTH #CovidIsNotOver #PaxlovidRebound #PaxlovidRelapse
#wth #CovidIsNotOver #paxlovidrebound #paxlovidrelapse
Current coffee mood: Nutmeg, cardamom, real maple with soy and all the tools in my #COVID arsenal because #PaxlovidRebound is a thing. #molnupiravir FTW? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see
#CurrentMood #CoffeeMood #Coffee #Paxlovid #HighRiskCovid
#highriskcovid #paxlovid #coffee #coffeemood #currentmood #guineapig #molnupiravir #paxlovidrebound #covid
Current coffee mood: Nutmeg, cardamom, real maple with soy and all the tools in my #COVID arsenal bevause #PaxlovidRebound is a thing. #molnupiravir FTW? #GuineaPig
#CurrentMood #CoffeeMood #Coffee #Paxlovid #HighRiskCovid
#highriskcovid #paxlovid #coffee #coffeemood #currentmood #guineapig #molnupiravir #paxlovidrebound #covid
Well, I finished my 5-day course of #Paxlovid this morning. Now, it's a waiting game to see if I experience the #PaxlovidRebound/#PaxlovidRelapse. This is no way to manage a pandemic !
@Kempton I was trying to explain to my NP friend a few months back how #paxlovidrebound wasn't a thing but she just didn't believe me (b/c of what she was seeing in her clinic). But then I asked her "are these patients being hospitalized or dying?" Of course the answer was no. So I said "Then it doesn't matter if some symptoms return, does it? The Paxlovid is doing its job- which is to reduce risk of hospitalization/death." I think she finally understood after that.
CDC director’s COVID returns as study finds such rebounds shockingly common - Enlarge / Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Con... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1894139 #infectiousdisease #covid-19rebound #paxlovidrebound #covidrebound #publichealth #sars-cov-2 #paxlovid #walensky #science #covd-19 #rebound #cdc
#cdc #rebound #covd #science #walensky #paxlovid #sars #publichealth #covidrebound #paxlovidrebound #covid #infectiousdisease