As soon as he hears @Archarzel close the shower curtain, Pax slides into place on the couch and makes himself comfy keeping me company, purring and flirting and nudging and doing all the sweet kid things.
So spoiled to have him as First Cat. Continuing to be the very best boi.
Img: cat eye contact
#PaxNoodles #TabbyCat #Taby #CatsofTTRPG #InklingFursquad #tabby #cats #CatsOfMastodon
#paxnoodles #tabbycat #taby #catsofttrpg #inklingfursquad #tabby #cats #catsofmastodon
Staying up to print late at night has everyone's schedule all wonked up
the cats are confused
hell we are, too
sleepy and bumbly
please send pad thai and caffeine
lots and lots of caffeine
[Img: a cat sleeping]
#Artist #ArtistLife #CatsOfMastodon #Tabby #InklingFursquad #PaxNoodles #Cats #CatBoss #officecat #CatsOfTableTop #TTRPGCats #CatsofTTRPG
#artist #artistlife #catsofmastodon #tabby #inklingfursquad #paxnoodles #cats #catboss #officecat #catsoftabletop #ttrpgcats #catsofttrpg
Our fearless head of security
Pax Noodles
pulling double duty and helping @Archarzel with some sketches
Img: a mackerel tabby laying on a sketchpad, looking into the camera with yellow green eyes
#InklingFursquad #tabbycat #artistlife #PaxNoodles #sketch #lifewithcats #catboss #comics #comiclife #printinkling
#inklingfursquad #tabbycat #artistlife #paxnoodles #sketch #lifewithcats #catboss #comics #comiclife #printinkling
Our two oldest cats came into our lives a month apart, sevenish years ago
They've never been particularly close.
But as the younger two came into our home
dynamics shifting
these two started to keep a weirdly special peace
(infrequently) stealing away for Secret Meetings.
Tonight, we found them hidden away together in a quiet room, snuggling in an office chair.
I'm so glad they have each other.
#lifewithcats #tortiecat #tabbycat #InklingFursquad #PaxNoodles #JinxieDanger
#lifewithcats #tortiecat #tabbycat #inklingfursquad #paxnoodles #jinxiedanger
Pax, aging like a fine wine, makes the most handsome model for our new OnlyBeans sticker 🐾
Image warning: cat, potential eye contact
#tabbycat #printinkling #cats #toebeantuesday #OnlyBeans #tabby #InklingFursquad #PaxNoodles #catlife #stickershop
#tabbycat #printinkling #cats #toebeantuesday #onlybeans #tabby #inklingfursquad #paxnoodles #catlife #stickershop