Ken Paxton is a bigger scumbag than Donald Trump. #PaxtonForPrison #GOPTraitors
Embattled Texas GOP AG created 'fake' Uber account to secretly meet mistress: report
Honor among thieves.
'Country last': Don Trump Jr. buried for calling Texas AG’s possible impeachment a 'RINO led witch hunt'
About fucking time someone did something about this dirtbag!!
#IndictKenPaxton #KenIsATraitor #PaxtonForPrison #Texas #GOPTraitors #GOPSedition #GOP
Texas Legislative Panel Recommends Impeaching AG Ken Paxton
#gop #GOPSedition #goptraitors #Texas #paxtonforprison #kenisatraitor #indictkenpaxton
Texas panel hears allegations of years of misconduct by state attorney general 25-MAY-2023 #IndictKenPaxton #KenIsATraitor #PaxtonForPrison #Texas #GOPTraitors #GOPSedition #GOP
#gop #GOPSedition #goptraitors #Texas #paxtonforprison #kenisatraitor #indictkenpaxton
Indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton Epitomizes Texas’ Exceptionalism on Corruption 02-FEB-2022 #IndictKenPaxton #KenIsATraitor #PaxtonForPrison #Texas #GOPTraitors #GOPSedition #GOP
#gop #GOPSedition #goptraitors #Texas #paxtonforprison #kenisatraitor #indictkenpaxton
I'd like to take a moment to recognize Texas AG Ken Paxton for his achievements. Ken is truly an SS-Obergruppenführer in the Axis of Assholes. And I mean that sincerely.
#Texas #paxtonforprison #kenisatraitor #indictkenpaxton