SideQuesting takes PAX West 2023 [Gallery]
J.J. takes on Nintendo Live and PAX West in these photos
#Gallery #PAXWest #gallery #NintendoLive #pax #PAXWest #Photos
#Photos #pax #nintendolive #paxwest #gallery
The SideQuest LIVE! September 4, 2023: Super PAX WEST Time!
Join us as we discuss all of our favorite games from PAX West 2023!
#News #AscentRivals #Atari #BigBoyBoxing #PacificDrive #pax #PAXWest #preview #Rugrats #RugratsAdventuresInGameland #ShotOne #SuperMarioBrosWonder
#supermariobroswonder #shotone #rugratsadventuresingameland #rugrats #preview #paxwest #pax #pacificdrive #bigboyboxing #atari #ascentrivals #News
Didn't drink nearly as much as I wish I did but still had a blast at #paxwest this weekend.
#Noticias #FinalFantasyXVI #NaokiYoshida #PAXWest #SquareEnix #THEATRHYTHMFINALBARLINE
#noticias #finalfantasyxvi #naokiyoshida #paxwest #squareenix #theatrhythmfinalbarline
How about a thread of indie videogames at #PAXWest that caught my eye? Let’s start with the obvious: every single game at @panic’s booth is great. The British slapstick Thank Goodness You’re Here!, the monochrome life-of-a-housefly simulator Time Flies, the gorgeous musical food toy Nour, nostalgic Ecuadorian playground soccer narrative Despelote… Not to mention all the Playdate games, which had a constant queue of eager fans. My best of show, easily.
Friday and Saturday were fun at #PAXWest! There were more indie booths than I remember seeing before. I didn’t see as many visual novels as previous years, anyone else? One visual novel that I tried that I liked a lot was Sucker For Love, where I believe we can romance some eldritch type gods. Another fun game was Time Flies, which is where you are a fly and you 70 seconds to live and you must choose what you do before you die. #IndieGame
‘Bloodlines 2’ now being developed by The Chinese Room* seems like good and, if not bad, at least weird news. The worlds and writing in their previous games are great, but will they tone down the game from action RPG to something TCR are more familiar with? Otherwise this might go horribly wrong, still.
* And a lot of staff from other Sumo Digital studios, I presume, because it doesn’t make sense otherwise.
#vampirethemasquerade #vtm #bloodlines2 #paxwest
Saw a ton of cool stuff at #paxWest yesterday, but my favorite moment was when I stumbled through the veil and spent untold centuries wandering the space between universes
Are you at #PAX ?
Come to our booth in Summit hall, in the PAX Rising section (#2225). Our #IndieGame will literally blow you away!
Mega64 20th Anniversary panel at #PAXWest! I love these weirdos.
Nearly forgot to mention: it's not official #PAXWest programming, but Mega Ran and @mc_frontalot are playing at Vera Project tonight for Ran's bday. Great performers, always a nerdcore blast, highly recommended.
Space Boat is at #PAXWEST2023 🚀
Visit us at booth #3030 for demos and swag all weekend! 😽
#PAXWest #LaborDayWeekend #gaming #indiegames #Xbox #PlayStation #NintendoSwitch #Steam
#paxwest2023 #paxwest #labordayweekend #gaming #indiegames #xbox #playstation #nintendoswitch #steam
I am #paxwest bound. Current status: killing time waiting for a delayed flight. 🍻
Landed in #Seattle for # #PAXWest. Took one step out of the airport, it started raining. 😄 #PAXWest23
Also yeah I’ll be posting a lot but will endeavor to make them, like, good.
Flying out to Seattle for #PAXWest this weekend. I will also be attending the #GuildWars2 meetup on Friday :D
If you are off to #PAXWest be sure to keep an eye out for Dr. Ryan Kelly and say hello!