It's time for pay equity! Support the Paycheck Fairness Act to tackle pay discrimination and promote economic security for women and families. Stand up for equal pay, especially for women of color.

#blackwomensequalpayday #blackwomencantwait #paycheckfairnessact

Last updated 1 year ago

One very simple way you can take action to increase fair pay practices is by showing your support for the which will combat pay discrimination and strengthen protections of the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

The would help close loopholes that have allowed employers to pay women less than men for the same work.

Click below to read more.

Then, send a pre-drafted email to your Representative asking them to support!

#paycheckfairnessact #pfa #EqualPayDay

Last updated 1 year ago

Juan A. Zamarripa [E.] · @jaze
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