#Union, town offer up details behind stalled Bradford #library
‘Flat-rate wage increases actually help narrow the divide between low-wage earners and high-wage earners. ... What that tells me is that this CEO doesn’t understand pay equity, and what it means to be compliant,’ says union official
#union #library #labour #strike #solidarity #payequity #equity
This morning I was lying in bed thinking about what's wrong with the US (as we often do). As I was trying to parse my thoughts, this occurred to me:
Capitalism is a game where the top finishers get to lead whatever life they choose, but the ones that come in last are forced to die in an alley in the cold.
#capitalism #TaxTheRich #CancelBillionaires #IncomeInequality #PayEquity #CaringEconomy #CapitalismKills #NoMoreBillionaires #CapitalismIsACult #Billionaires
#billionaires #capitalismisacult #NoMoreBillionaires #capitalismkills #CaringEconomy #payequity #incomeinequality #CancelBillionaires #taxtherich #Capitalism
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/erinfgallagher_power-ella-womenowned-activity-7068939418224492544-gpRF?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios .. Yes ladies, take up space, lots of it, it’s already yours. If we ever expect to attain #genderequality @ #payequity we must make the world know that we will accept nothing less.
#womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womenbusinessowners #womenentrepreneurs #womeninstem #womenintech #womenlawyers #womenpresidents
#genderequality #payequity #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womenbusinessowners #womenentrepreneurs #womeninstem #womenintech #womenlawyers #womenpresidents
@AmberHieb this seems like a pretty good thing. #LabourLaw #BCPoli #PayEquity
Excellent. Good on ya, @sherrieshepherd @Rosie @sunny @TheView #payequity https://t.co/5lcNCAInDJ
Take me down to the Pity City
Where the CEO makes green and the employees are empty
(Take me home) Oh, won't you please take me home?
Take me down to the Pity City
Where the CEO makes green and the employees are empty
(Take me home) Oh, won't you please take me home?
MillerKnolls and Roses
The slight of hand is obvious: every oppressor wants to claim that they're "normal" while their opponents are "political." Paying women less then men, or Black people less than white people, is "the market" while demands for #PayEquity are "political."
Jurisprudence reflects politics and can *only ever* reflect politics. The law *must* deal in ideas like "fairness" and "reasonableness," and these concepts change and change again.
A little something for #InternationalWomensDay.
#UnionPower #Union #feminism #feminist #InternationalWomensDay23 #photography #portrait #PayEquity #EqualPay
#internationalwomensday #unionpower #union #feminism #feminist #internationalwomensday23 #photography #portrait #payequity #equalpay
Canada's women to play SheBelieves Cup 'under protest'
#payequity #women'srightsORwomen #football #FIFAWomen’sWorldCup #SheBelievesCup #Canada #soccer
#soccer #Canada #SheBelievesCup #fifawomen #football #women #payequity
i think my one of my biggest upsets regarding Ds versus Rs is that… with the attn, financing, and help of the koch brother(s), and like-minded “dark money”… Rs seeingly, often get what they ask for and what they want, ensuring that even the weakest platformed R among them is covered.
meanwhile… D voters ask and need and want, while D politicians then give us what they think we deserve.
the imbalance in delivery is frustrating.
#housingispublichealth #UniversalHealthcare #payequity
"The real reason Grandma can’t get into a nursing home."
#NursingHomes #NursingCare #NurseSalaries
#NursingWages #NurseWages #NursingPay
#NursingBurnOut #NurseBurnout #Nurses
#PayEquity #NursingDemands #NurseHeroes
#PayEquality #SupportOurNurses #NursesRule
#NurseStaffing #NurseShortages #NursesRock
#NursesDeserveRespect #RespecttoAllNurses
#NursingAidesDeserveRespect #NursingAides
#nursingaides #nursingaidesdeserverespect #respecttoallnurses #nursesdeserverespect #nursesrock #nurseshortages #nursestaffing #NursesRule #supportournurses #payequality #nurseheroes #nursingdemands #payequity #nurses #nurseburnout #nursingburnout #nursingpay #nursewages #nursingwages #nursesalaries #NursingCare #nursinghomes
CNBC: Making salary ranges public may shrink pay gaps but slow wage growth
I think we should be talking about a Wealth Tax of some kind in the US. It's way past time, and it's a simple matter of fairness We can't wait around for politicians to figure this out on their own. We need to exert pressure on them, or vote them out.
In the news today:
The Guardian: ‘Tax us now’: ultra-rich call on governments to introduce wealth taxes
#DemocraticSocialist #PayEquity #WealthTax #Billionaires
#billionaires #wealthtax #payequity #democraticsocialist
Salary info can make us titter
For those who make more, it's bitter
It's great for pay equity
But not so much for royalty
Who benefit least when details are bluer
#salarysecrets #payequity #equalpay #limerick #poetry
#equalpay #limerick #poetry #salarysecrets #payequity
RT @AlexPadilla4CA@twitter.com
Equal pay for equal work. It’s that simple. Women and people of color should not be paid less for doing the same job as their counterparts. #PayEquity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlexPadilla4CA/status/1606469448751276034
Another BS Justification For #Billionaires:
If it wasn't for them taking the risk of starting businesses and employing everyone else, we'd be worse off as a society.
The reality is that billionaires usually don't create new things. Most buy things other people created, consolidate industries and eliminate competition. That's bad for workers, and consumers. #Consolidation also kills the competition that is supposed to make #capitalism so beneficial.
#payequity #BillionairesShouldntExist #Capitalism #consolidation #billionaires
Hello mstdn.social. Here's my #Introduction :
Joined #Mastodon back when #twitter went crazy. I wasn't on twitter, but heard about Mastodon, and thought it sounded interesting. I just switched instances today. I'm mostly here just to engage on #politics, but I also like a good laugh too. That's about it for now.
#DemocraticSocialist #RacialEquity #BLM #Payequity #Athiest #Agnostic #Progressive #VotingRights #Woke #SinglePayer
#singlepayer #woke #VotingRights #progressive #agnostic #athiest #payequity #BLM #racialequity #democraticsocialist #Politics #Twitter #Mastodon #Introduction
Hello mstdn.social. Here's my #Introduction :
Joined #Mastodon back when #twitter went crazy. I wasn't on twitter, but heard about Mastodon, and thought it sounded interesting. I'm mostly here just to engage on #politics, but I also like a good laugh too. Usually follow anyone with similar political interests or if they're very funny.
#DemocraticSocialist #RacialEquity #BLM #PayEquity #Athiest #Agnostic #Progressive #VotingRights #Woke #SinglePayer #Leftist #Diversity #Science #News #WealthTax
#wealthtax #News #Science #diversity #leftist #singlepayer #woke #VotingRights #progressive #agnostic #athiest #payequity #BLM #racialequity #democraticsocialist #Politics #Twitter #Mastodon #Introduction
Quick #introduction. Former software developer. Now own small business. Progressive / Democratic socialist.
Hoping to engage mostly on politics. Some areas of interest are:
#PoliticalActivism #RacialEquity #ElectionReform #SinglePayer #PayEquity #billionaires #HumanRights
Don't do a huge amount of posts of boosts. Also, learning more about post visibility to avoid cluttering up other's timelines. If you have pointers please let me know.
#introduction #PoliticalActivism #racialequity #electionreform #singlepayer #payequity #billionaires #humanrights #progressive #socialist #woke #agnostic #atheist
End of fucking story. Why are organizations still not transparent with posting their salary ranges? #equity #payequity