Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
668 followers · 26890 posts · Server

@LunaDragofelis @nano cuz I'm convinced a lot of people would be able and willing to ...

Cuz I know a lot if people would gladly pay $150-$300 p.a. to have the guarantee that if something breaks someone has to pick up the phone amd fix it.


Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
540 followers · 18357 posts · Server

@inetpro that's why corporations should !


Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
469 followers · 13533 posts · Server

@ariadne yes and no.

The fact that a lot of corporations tend to just and oftentimes use it as hard dependency yet don't even bother to chip in a few $ p.a. is antisocial, but neither unknown nor unexpected.

I chose to release several projects under restrictive like BY-NC-SA for obvious reasons: To prevent tivolization.

In return I think people amd espechally businesses should even if it's just with a support subscription...

#payforopensource #cc #Copyleft #FLOSS #yoink

Last updated 2 years ago