Is #kyrstensinema mystified by her unpopularity? This column didn't even mention the forever blood on her hands as chaos agent to VotingRightsProtections or Abortion across country! She "earned" her #PayForPlay from ChamberOfCarbon, #HarlanCrow etc.
#harlancrow #payforplay #kyrstensinema
Chaos reigns after Twitter’s blue checks vanish
#payforplay #inauthentic #bs #twitter
@parislady1492 @lolgop Not only did Roberts not do squat about Clarence & #GinniThomas #payforplay self-dealing corruption, #TrumpCoupAttempt #ConflictOfInterests but he appointed court Marshall w/no investígation experience, apparently no justices or their spouses were interviewed/questioned, yet Roberts made conclusive comment “misguided protest” despite conveniently inconclusive investigation. 🤬 #JohnRobertsPartisanHack #SCOTUScorrupt #SCOTUSillegitimate
#GinniThomas #payforplay #TrumpCoupAttempt #conflictofinterests #johnrobertspartisanhack #scotuscorrupt #scotusillegitimate