Novel Online Shopping Malware Hides in Social-Media Buttons - The skimmer steals credit-card data, using steganography to hide in plain sight in seemingly benig... #paymentcardskimmer #socialmediabuttons #vulnerabilities #holidayshopping #onlineshopping #steganography #websecurity #e-commerce #malware #breach #sansec #hacks
#hacks #sansec #breach #malware #e #websecurity #steganography #onlineshopping #holidayshopping #vulnerabilities #socialmediabuttons #paymentcardskimmer
Texas Gold-Dealer Mined for Payment Details in Months-Long Data Breach - JM Bullion fell victim to a payment-card skimmer, which was in place for five months. #paymentcardskimmer #vulnerablewebsite #databreachnotice #vulnerabilities #preciousmetals #codeinjection #websecurity #emailnotice #databreach #golddealer #jmbullion #magecart #breach #reddit #hacks
#hacks #reddit #breach #magecart #jmbullion #golddealer #databreach #emailnotice #websecurity #codeinjection #preciousmetals #vulnerabilities #databreachnotice #vulnerablewebsite #paymentcardskimmer
Magecart Attack Impacts More Than 10K Online Shoppers - Close to 2,000 e-commerce sites were infected over the weekend with a payment-card skimmer, maybe ... #paymentcardskimmer #stolencreditcards #vulnerabilities #e-commercesites #onlineshoppers #zerodayexploit #largecampaign #websecurity #magecart #malware #magento #hacked #sansec #hacks
#hacks #sansec #hacked #magento #malware #magecart #websecurity #largecampaign #zerodayexploit #onlineshoppers #e #vulnerabilities #stolencreditcards #paymentcardskimmer
Claire’s Customers Targeted with Magecart Payment-Card Skimmer - The Magecart group targeted the tween accessories specialist starting the day after it shuttered i... more: #paymentcardskimmer #creditcardskimmer #cloudsecurity #websecurity #coronavirus #salesforce #covid-19 #magecart #claires #jewelry #breach
#breach #jewelry #claires #magecart #covid #salesforce #coronavirus #websecurity #cloudsecurity #creditcardskimmer #paymentcardskimmer