1. Smallness of number; fewness.
2. Scarcity; dearth.
3. Smallness of quantity; scantiness.
The number of movies or TV shows I have *any* interest in watching on the streaming services to which we currently subscribe.
Pro rata or pro writer? Actually, I like the typo better that way.
#ShowMeTheMoney #PayTheWriters #ArtsLeadership
#RethinkingArtsLeadership #FourDayWeek
#showmethemoney #paythewriters #ArtsLeadership #RethinkingArtsLeadership #fourdayweek #LessIsNecessary
The studios are inhumane:
“The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses,” a studio executive told Deadline. Acknowledging the cold-as-ice approach, several other sources reiterated the statement. One insider called it “a cruel but necessary evil.”
#PayTheWriters #BoycottWarnerBros #BoycottApple #BoycottNetflix #BoycottAmazon #BoycottDisney #BoycottParamount
#boycottparamount #boycottdisney #boycottamazon #boycottnetflix #boycottapple #boycottwarnerbros #paythewriters
New post with some recent publications/projects and my annual-ish audit of freelancing income, rates of pay, super etc. Radical transparency is part of making change! #PayTheWriters
Brilliant #SuccessionHBO finale.
I called the ending, but that doesn't mean it was predictable. Just that the characters were so well written, their paths seemed predestined. #SuccessionHBO #PayTheWriters
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#thatandabucketoffriedchickenfridaynights #paythewriters #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
“WGA members argue that they can’t survive off of what they earn from writing shows and films in a digitally disrupted industry. Despite increasing profits for studios amid the streaming boom, writers are getting paid less to do the same work, the union says. Writers also said they are receiving lower residuals, or royalties, for their work once a show re-airs.”
Find article and clever protest signs here:
#quotes #writing #WGA #WritersStrike #PayTheWriters #funny #news
#quotes #writing #wga #writersstrike #paythewriters #funny #news
Just had our delegates pregame chat and now I'm feeling psyched for this big @meaa campaign meeting next week! RSVP here: #freelancers #union #unionnews #jointheunion #paythewriters
#freelancers #union #unionnews #jointheunion #paythewriters
Wondering what @meaa media freelancers are up to? Here's a (growing!) list of our current freelance agreements & negotiations:
#jointheunion #paythewriters #freelancecharter
#jointheunion #paythewriters #freelancecharter
The artist as essential worker: a new essay from me on the national cultural policy and (some of) the complexities of labour in the arts
With thanks to Overland and AICSA
#art #labour #artspolicy #revive #postwork #UBI #paythewriters #jointheunion
#art #labour #artspolicy #revive #postwork #ubi #paythewriters #jointheunion
So great to see digital lending rights announced at last! A long campaign by the ASA & others to expand the scheme to reflect 21stC reading habits. This will make a big difference to many authors’ incomes.
Go forth and borrow ye some library ebooks!
#dlr #paythewriters #librarylove
You can read the editors’ announcement here:
@meaa #freelance #freelancers #freelancersunite #unionnews #solidarity #auslit #paythewriters
#freelance #freelancers #freelancersunite #unionnews #solidarity #auslit #paythewriters
Today’s my last day as Artist in Residence at @vitalstatistix_ - it’s been an amazing year of art, writing, research, collaboration and conversation.
There are a couple more essays in the pipeline, but for now please enjoy ‘Sick Leave’ - a grant application I wrote as part of the residency, proposing to pay sick leave to artists…
#paythewriters #paytheartists #precariouswork #sickleave #ubi
#paythewriters #paytheartists #precariouswork #sickleave #ubi
A friend spotted this article on author income and precarity today, quoting my submission to national cultural policy. Broke in public! My parents must be so proud #auslit #paythewriters
Attn #freelancers (aus)
Negotiations with Nine are at a critical stage! If you’ve ever done work for Nine newspapers, please sign our @meaa open letter in support of minimum rates #PayTheWriters
We need your thoughts?
We are budgeting 2023 including a 10 week online writers room and we are curious what sort of fee should be paid to the writer who participate in the room?
Each session is an hour
Thanks ina davance
#writers #writing #paythewriters #citiesoflit
A great summary from the ASA of the many author submissions to the National Cultural policy:
#artspolicy #ozlit #paythewriters
There’s an extract from Anwen Crawford’s recent zine about author advances up on KYD
#ozlit #radicalhonesty #paythewriters