They do not care about quality, they care about their bank account. But even if they DID care about quality I would not. I would not care about their interpretation of quality because it will never be the same as mine. And that's probably a negative for me but a positive for art. Even "really bad" art is worth watching and, more importantly, worth making.
#SaveStarTrekProdigy #SaveWillow #SaveSpiderwick #SaveArt #PayYourWriters #PayYourActors #DontPayYourStockholders
#savestartrekprodigy #savewillow #savespiderwick #saveart #payyourwriters #payyouractors #dontpayyourstockholders
Welp, it's been a year and I'm going back to #TheOrville for a watch through. #RenewTheOrville #SAGAFTRAstrike #SAGAFTRAstrong #PayYourWriters
#payyourwriters #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike #renewtheorville #theorville
Pitch Meeting, a YouTube show where they imagine the pitch for a TV show or movie between a writer and an executive, goes fully self aware, coming down hard on Disney for refusing to pay writers and actors what they deserve and I'm here for it.
#PitchMeeting #YouTube #Marvel #Disney #PayYourWriters #PayYourActors #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrong
#pitchmeeting #youtube #marvel #disney #payyourwriters #wgastrong #sagaftrastrong #payyouractors
hashtags to support the #ActorsStrike
#greedyceos #dundun #solidaritysummer
#WritersStrike #SAGAFTRAstrong
#1u #WGAStrong
#HollywoodStrike #HollywoodExecutives
#FireDavidZaslav #FireBobIger #FireTedSarandos
#DoIt4TheFans #EndTheMerger
#WGAStrong #PayYourWriters #PayYourActors
#actorsstrike #greedyceos #dundun #solidaritysummer #writersstrike #sagaftrastrong #1u #wgastrong #hollywoodstrike #hollywoodexecutives #firedavidzaslav #firebobiger #firetedsarandos #doit4thefans #endthemerger #payyourwriters #payyouractors #theydenywedefy #istandwithsagaftra #istandwithrayfisher #istandwithwga #cancelnetflixandchill #shutoffthestreamers #cancelnetflix #cancelparamount #cancelpeacock #cancelhulu #canceldisney
In less than an hour, movie studios will be in for a world of pain.
Cancelling my streaming accounts in solidarity with writers.
Here's my email to The Walt Disney Company if anyone wants a template for the NUCLEAR UNSUBSCRIBE option.
#wga #wgastrike #payyourwriters
RT from Jake Goldman (@TheDragoEffect)
And you would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for us meddling kids #PayYourWriters
@WGAWest @WGAEast @animationguild @TAGwriters
'Podcast De Dag: achter de schermen van de Hollywood-staking'. Rob Voxpop (domme vrouw van 37 uit Geertruidenberg) vindt dat deze Hollywood-staking echt uit de hand loopt! 🤦♀️ Mijn vader werkt in de bioscoop en met al die vertragingen in films heeft hij nu minder werk en dus ook minder inkomsten. 💔 Schrijvers en acteurs verdienen betere werkomstandigheden, maar wat dacht je van de gewone mensen zoals mijn pa? 🥺 #HollywoodStaking #PayYourWriters
#payyourwriters #hollywoodstaking