...after hearing about the drawing for the 75th Podcast Index De-Dup Games...
"I volunteer for tribute!"
I know Dave and Todd have a good understanding of LIT. It's the update to the RSS that needs to be connected to podping (I suspect) that is a bit fuzzy.
I think it works using HIVE Writer by:
1. Updating your RSS with a LIT Start time
2. HIVE Writer via podping lets apps know
3. Keep updating your RSS while Live or something (fuzzy part)
4. HIVE Writer keeps updating podping
5. Update RSS with a LIT End Time
6. Show over and LIT now static
@adam @dave @theDanielJLewis @stenofm @james @Todd_Blubrry
Question about transcripts:
Have podcasters landed on a final transcription format for podcasting?
In the wild, I see podcasters jam SRT (with time codes) into their show notes while PC20 podcasters use *.SRT.
Meanwhile, do HTML, JSON, VTT, and TEXT versions have value in podcasting?
Is it being decided for us by "Big Transcript" or is this really a UX accessibility issue?
#podcasting #pc20 #Transcription
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#pcglassfilledresin #pcfrglassfilledgranules #pc10 #pc20 #pcglassfilledplasticgranules
Podping for notifications of podcast updates? On a blockchain? Noooo!
There is #websub !
#websub #pc20 #podcasting #fosdem
Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability
Here we go! To watch live: https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/event/podcasting20
Who is Robert Sasuke?
Absolutely! Podcasting 2.0 creates great new opportunities. One of our community members pledged to work on chapters. I'm (slowly) discussing how the Value tag could be implemented. And there are plenty of other requests. But I'm not a developer and can only connect the dots and make mock-ups. We need more volunteers to get it all implemented. So if you know anyone, please do hit 'em up!
Our #PC20 Feature Requests: https://github.com/antennapod/antennapod/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Area%3A+Podcast+Index+%2F+Podcasting+2.0%22
Tonight (in Europe) and this morning (in the US) we had the kick-off meeting of our first-ever hackathon! Awesome to meet these active contributors 💕 Lots of issues on the list, and two other meetings scheduled!
1️⃣ Sat 10:00 CEST: new swipe actions, an Inbox, potential bottom navigation & an Ignored state for episodes
2️⃣ Sat 15:00 CEST / 9am EDT: all about Podcasting 2.0 #pc20: chapters, transcripts & more
Anyone welcome! Chip in at https://meet.antennapod.org/hackathon or https://forum.antennapod.org/t/antennapod-hackathon/1023
Just reading the Value tag specs of the podcast namespace. Why is the valueRecipient tag only allowed to be set on channel/podcast level, and not per episode? What if in a particular episode a specific song is used, or done by one specific producer?
Or am I completely misunderstanding stuff here?
May I make a request @jamescridland? When working on the fix for the Branding questions issue, can you please also identify the #hashtags for three areas? I never know what to add to my toots! 😅
https://github.com/Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace/issues/207 #PodcastIndex #PC20 #podcasting20 #podcastnamespace #podcastingnamespace #pododcasting2-0 #PI #PN #podfather
#hashtags #pc20 #podcasting20 #podcastnamespace #podcastingnamespace #pododcasting2 #pi #pn #podfather #podcastindex
@benjaminbellamy just listening to #pc20 ep 29 today, pretty nice stuff!
The whole history of how podlibre.org came about is very interesting.
@adam @dave @podcastindex@noagendasocial.com
#podcast #podcastindex
@brianoflondon thanks! Seems I'll wake up tomorrow with @adam and @dave then .. as it would be past midnight here (UTC+0100, Europe/Stockholm) when the episode drops