These were the results. I think it's interesting to see that most of the variance (55.6%) is explained by the first principal component. How would you interpret these 2 principal components?
A lot of papers talk about tuning #autoencoder bottlenecks. Is there some autoencoder-like technique that share's #PCA's property of putting the most relevant information in the first element, second most in the second, etc?
"This post is my first attempt to develop an analogy that connects least squares methods, like regression or PCA, to physical intuition about springs or elastics."
#statistics #regression #physics #pca
PCA Open Mike 6/25/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - June 25, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Cosy Sheridan
#OpenMikes #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA
#openmikes #openmic #openmike #pca
I'm told I should make an #Introduction and that hashtags are back in style, but I don't know what I'll be posting about here so no promises on anything đ Mostly here to keep up with friends.
I enjoy #Reading, #IndieGames, #GuildWars2, and so much more I don't always have time for. I'm a #Christian member of a #PCA church trying her best as an #Introvert to stay involved. Also am an #Enneagram9 so I try to keep things chill, though I make no apologies for any #Puns that cross your feed đ
#introduction #reading #indiegames #guildwars2 #christian #pca #introvert #Enneagram9 #puns
PCA Open Mike 6/11/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - June 11, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Louise Mosrie Coombe
#OpenMikes #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA
#openmikes #openmic #openmike #pca
PCA Open Mike 5/28/2023
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - May 28, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Tom Smith, with Seth Connelly
#OpenMikes #OpenMic #OpenMike #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA
#openmikes #openmic #openmike #pca
'Sparse GCA and Thresholded Gradient Descent', by Sheng Gao, Zongming Ma.
Denise: Deep Robust Principal Component Analysis for Positive Semidefinite Matrices
Calypso Herrera, Florian Krach, Anastasis Kratsios, Pierre Ruyssen, Josef Teichmann
Action editor: Stephen Becker.
PCA Open Mike 5/14/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - May 14, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer - Philip Russom
#OpenMikes #OpenMike #OpenMic #PCA
#openmikes #openmike #openmic #pca
PCA Open Mike 4/23/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - April 23, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performers Steve Gretz & Leslie Lee
#OpenMikes #OpenMike #OpenMic #PCA #Photos
#openmikes #openmike #openmic #pca #photos
PCA Open Mike 4/9/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - April 9, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performers Fishken & Groves
#OpenMikes #OpenMike #OpenMic #PCA #Photos
#openmikes #openmike #openmic #pca #photos
PCA Open Mike 3/26/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - March 26, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Shanna in a Dress
#OpenMikes #openmic #OpenMike #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA
#openmikes #openmic #openmike #pca
"Bonne nouvelle, nous retrouvons dâanciennes sauvegardes de fichiers[...]. Nous transfĂ©rons dans le SI les donnĂ©es qui Ă©taient archivĂ©es sur papier : la salle des mariages est rĂ©quisitionnĂ©e, une quinzaine de jeunes saisiront ces informations pendant huit semaines." <= Bravo le plan de secours #pca #cybersecurity
How does Chuck Norris know how many Principal Components to use?
By using the elbow method. Quickly followed by a sharp uppercut method.
#chucknorris #datascience #pca #machinelearningalgorithms
PCA Open Mike 2/26/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - February 26, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Eric Kilburn
#OpenMikes #OpenMike #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA #Photos
#openmikes #openmike #openmic #pca #photos
PCA Open Mike 2/12/23
Performer photos from the PCA Open MIke, Parish Center for the Arts, Westford MA - February 12, 2023. Hosted by John Ferullo. Featured performer Dan Tappan
#OpenMikes #OpenMic #OpenMike #PCA #Photos
#openmikes #openmic #openmike #pca #photos
Denise: Deep Robust Principal Component Analysis for Positive Semidefinite Matrices
'Sparse PCA: a Geometric Approach', by Dimitris Bertsimas, Driss Lahlou Kitane.
#sparse #pca #geospca