Other service managers also supply service definitions that run these services. Mark Heily's relaunchd does, for example:
There are no doubt others, that I am not aware of.
I recommend that you disable these services whatever service management system you use.
PC-BSD/TrueOS runs these things out of the box, itself, of course.
These services are enabled/disabled with settings in /etc/rc.conf.pcbsd which you will need to adjust if you are using that, or override in /etc/rc.conf.local:
I have ensured that the external configuration import system in the nosh toolkit also ignores these settings, in the forthcoming service fix. Set them to "NO" anyway.
My nosh toolkit has service bundles for these services, and enables them if you set it up for PC-BSD/TrueOS. I have changed this to disabled, as a service fix in the next release.
For a local fix, use a /etc/system-control/presets/20-TrueOS.preset file to preset to disabled all of these services:
disable syscache.service
disable appcafe-*.service
Then explicitly stop and disable the various services with system-config stop and system-config disable.
Some PC-BSD/TrueOS repositories on GitHub have been marked archived. However, this particular one is gone completely, as also is the account that owned it.
It is completely hijackable, and the PBI utility will merrily try to pull and use stuff from it, with superuser access.
If you have an old PC-BSD/TrueOS machine that is running or could be run, I recommend disabling all syscache-daemon and appcafe-* services.
There is no alternative GitHub repository.
The appcafe-* services rely upon the wholly undocumented (and no longer source-available) syscache-daemon program, which is run as a syscache service by stock PC-BSD/TrueOS, and also set up as a service by several service management systems, mine and other people's.
The syscache-daemon program itself regularly spawns the PBI update utility, which in turn pulls, or at least tries to pull, information about packaged applications from a GitHub repository.
It's still going to be a while until I can get a new release of the #nosh toolset out. There are at least two machines that need replacement parts, still.
So a small security announcement.
I'm presetting the syscache and all appcafe-* services to disabled in the next release, and I advise that you disable any such services on any old PC-BSD/TrueOS machines that you may have, whatever service management is in use.
PBI pulls from a GitHub account that was deleted and is hijackable.
@numa@mamot.fr #Debian est certainement mieux pour apprendre les bonnes pratiques, de plus il existe la distribution #DFLinux et sa communauté #DebianFacile pour les débutants (donc Ubuntu n'est plus nécessaire, à mon avis).
De même, concernant #FreeBSD mieux vaudrait se tourner vers #TrueOS - anciennement #PCBSD - pour commencer.
Enfin, concernant l'environnement graphique, viens-tu de Windows ou macOS ?
#gnome #xfce #kde #pcbsd #trueos #freebsd #debianfacile #dflinux #debian
@numa@mamot.fr #Debian est certainement mieux pour apprendre les bonnes pratiques, de plus il existe la distribution #DFLinux et sa communauté #DebianFacile pour les débutants (donc Ubuntu n'est plus nécessaire, à mon avis).
De même, concernant #FreeBSD mieux vaudrait se tourner vers #TrueOS - anciennement #PCBSD - pour commencer.
Enfin, concernant l'environnement graphique, viens-tu de Windows ou macOS ?
#gnome #xfce #kde #pcbsd #trueos #freebsd #debianfacile #dflinux #debian