I used to use NewEgg a long time ago to get PC parts but my understanding is they changed ownership and customer service is much worse than it used to be. I also really don’t want to use Amazon. I’ve heard iffy stuff about shipping from Microcenter too, unfortunately.
Are there any decent PC part sellers left out there? I’d really like to get a new build stated. (In the USA.)
#pcbuildingnoob #pcbuilding #pcbuild
Ei tule emolevy, ei, no ehkä toukokuun lomaviikolle sit. Ei pääse rakentelemaan :( #PCBuildingNoob
Does anyone know if "Sapphire TOXIC Radeon RX 6950 XT LE " type gpu+aio is really so that I can just plug it in, and no other things are needed?
(Except other PC parts, but regarding GPU and its cooling - no pumps or such?)