RT @INRAE_DipSO@twitter.com
Avec Denis Bourguet et Thomas Guillemaud @INRAE_France@twitter.com, co-fondateurs de @PeerCommunityIn@twitter.com #PCI @PeerComJournal@twitter.com #PCJ
➡️ Voir aussi l'article @FR_Conversation@twitter.com : http://theconversation.com/peer-community-in-un-systeme-alternatif-de-publication-scientifique-191225
🗓️ 20 janvier à 14h00 inscrivez-vous !
#scienceouverte #accèsouvert
#OpenScience #OpenAccess https://twitter.com/somum_amu/status/1612702025912819712
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/INRAE_DipSO/status/1612715356497346560
#PCI #pcj #scienceouverte #accesouvert #OpenScience #openaccess
Avec Denis Bourguet et Thomas Guillemaud @INRAE_France, co-fondateurs de @PeerCommunityIn #PCI @PeerComJournal #PCJ
➡️ Voir aussi l'article @FR_Conversation : http://theconversation.com/peer-community-in-un-systeme-alternatif-de-publication-scientifique-191225
🗓️ 20 janvier à 14h00 inscrivez-vous !
#scienceouverte #accèsouvert
#OpenScience #OpenAccess https://twitter.com/somum_amu/status/1612702025912819712
#PCI #pcj #scienceouverte #accesouvert #OpenScience #openaccess
Great to see that @michaelafisher is continuing her year-long learning journey with a visit to Japan. Hoping to introduce her to many great cooperativists and movement people there. Let's organize an online discussion with her in the fall -- to hear about her trip and the people and projects she encountered.
#learningjourney #pcj #jinkore #workerscollectivenetwork
Making progress in our Platform Cooperativism Japan discussions. Practical steps and cooperative process.
#platformcoop #pcj
Great meeting of the nascent Platform Cooperativism Japan group tonight. Lots of activity planned for the few months.
#platformcooperativism #pcj @mathias @emi @keiko