Where do people buy computer parts now? Newegg used to be my go to, but it seems like they have had a corporate takeover and doesn’t seem like the great deal it used to be. Amazon seems riddled with fake merchants and I’d prefer to avoid them anyway if it’s reasonable.
#computerparts #buildapc #pcparts #pcpartpicker
When someone asks you, "Is PC gaming expensive?", what is your usual comparison? I usually go for what the latest console cost, jump on #PCPartPicker and check out the latest #AMD budget build which usually comes in at $450 USD to undercut or match. I was hit with this tonight at dinner, however, this person is starting from scratch. So they'll need a decent monitor, mouse, keyboard, and some sort of audio (speakers/headphones). After factoring that in, it was closer to $600 USD 😳 :ooooo:
My #battlestation 🙂🎮
CPU: #Intel Core #i9-10850K
Video Card: Asus KO #Gaming OC #GeForce #RTX3070 8 GB Video Card
#PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/KwH6sL
#battlestation #intel #i9 #gaming #geforce #rtx3070 #pcpartpicker