The PCST Network meeting (#PCST2023), Mai Thi Nguyen Kim’s resignation from her YouTube channel & new research on misperceptions surrounding scientific topics. These and other news as well as current community event dates are available in today's English Panoptikum. #scicomm
PCST Network meeting (#PCST2023), Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim’s resignation from her YouTube channel & new research on misperceptions surrounding scientific topics. These and other news as well as current community event dates are available in today's English Panoptikum. #scicomm
Really great panel on ethics chaired by Fabian Medvecky at #pcst2023. The principle 'generosity' from the book An Ethics of Science Communication can extend to stopping unpaid work in the sector for everyone involved - valuation preceeds professionalization! #RecognitionRewards
Olaf Kramer (Sprecher RHET AI Center), Beatrice Bonami, Julia Merlot (Spiegel) und Tilman Gocht vom Exzellenzcluster Machine Learning (Uni Tübingen) diskutieren heute bei der #PCST2023 in einem Panel über "Between fact and fiction. The difficult quest for Common Ground in #SciComm on AI"
Moderation macht @emgehoh
#ki #WissKomm #scicomm #pcst2023
Attending #PCST2023 and still wondering which sessions to visit? Find our projects #ImpactUnit and #TransferUnit’s (@Liliann_F) lightning talks here:
📅 Parallel session 10-C, Friday 14 April, 11:30 – 12:45, Van Weelde Room
The Transfer Unit also offers a problem-solving workshop: “Bridging the gap – research-practice collaborations in science communication”
📅 2-D, Wednesday 12 April, 11:30 – 12:45
We are looking forward to meet you and exchange on #SciComm !
#pcst2023 #impactunit #transferunit #scicomm
Teilnehmende der Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference 2023 dürfen sich freuen!
Kim Luther und @emgehoh vom RHET AI Center geben einen Workshop zu „Grounding AI communication: Myths, imaginations, and realities“
⌚️Los geht’s heute um 14 Uhr!
RT @PcsTconference
🔔 PCST2023 Art & design program Call for proposals
To show the potential of Art and Design for #scicomm and contribute to a ‘show-don’t-tell’ approach, #PCST2023 seeks a coordinated artistic contribution to the conference. See for details. Deadline 10/3
Registration for the #PCST2023 is open!! Make sure you register before 7 February 2023 to take advantage of the early-bird discount.