Crater Lake. My first impression was how overwhelmingly blue it is. The rim trail goes from here over to the other side of the island, and then connects with the PCT after 8 miles or so. It's technically a PCT alternate, but only the most pure redliner would skip it.
#art #watercolor #MastoArt #WizardIsland #CraterLake #nationalpark #pct #pct2021 #hiking #oregon
#oregon #hiking #pct2021 #pct #nationalpark #craterlake #WizardIsland #MastoArt #watercolor #art
The monument at the end of the Pacific Crest Trail.
#pct2021 #pct #PacificCrestTrail #Monument #borderCut #MastoArt #art #watercolor #hiking
#hiking #watercolor #art #MastoArt #borderCut #monument #pacificcresttrail #pct #pct2021
Inside the tunnel at Tunnel Falls on the Eagle Creek Trail. Watercolor 7.5" by 7.5"
#art #MastoArt #drawing #painting #watercolor #pct2021 #pct #Tunnel #TunnelFalls #EagleCreekTrail #PacificCrestTrail #cave
#cave #pacificcresttrail #EagleCreekTrail #TunnelFalls #tunnel #pct #pct2021 #watercolor #painting #drawing #MastoArt #art
Scenes from the North Cascades. I saw the marmot moving through the grass north of Glacier Peak, and the fat pika calmly regarded me from the rockfall at Hopkins Pass five miles south of the Canadian border last September.
Watercolor on paper, 4.5" x 6"
#art #MastoArt #drawing #watercolor #marmot #pika #rockfall #AnimalArt #PCT #hiking #hikerart #PacificNorthwest #pct2021 #paintingiguess #yellow
#yellow #paintingiguess #pct2021 #pacificnorthwest #hikerart #hiking #pct #animalart #rockfall #pika #marmot #watercolor #drawing #MastoArt #art
Here's a set of small sketches of alpine meadows in Washington and Oregon.
3.5" x 5"ish pen and watercolor on paper.
(why is the convention height then width? That's the opposite of what you might expect if you are mathy.)
#mastoart #art #drawing #sketch #pct2021 #pacificnorthwest #landscapes #watercolor #trees
#trees #watercolor #landscapes #pacificnorthwest #pct2021 #sketch #drawing #art #MastoArt
One of the most surprising things about the PCT for me was how many burnt stretches of trail there are. The ones in Oregon and Washington tend to have dense fields of fireweed.
#art #mastoart #pct2021 #forest #tree #snags #burntforest #fireweed #burn #pct #watercolor #hikerart #drawing #painting #pacificnorthwest
#pacificnorthwest #painting #drawing #hikerart #watercolor #pct #burn #fireweed #burntforest #snags #tree #forest #pct2021 #MastoArt #art