Christoph · @christoph
6 followers · 57 posts · Server

using ( and ) for more than two decades sometimes with more and sometimes with less intensity. I appreciate that hard work done in the past years to develop and I see the hard work on themes like or or tagged by so many hard developing people. And then I found some weeks ago the not so new by Martin Ruckert.
Of course is often complicated, but with the work that went into the project and the enhancements, it’s not clear to me…

#latex #pdflatex #lualatex #context #latex3 #pdf #hitex

Last updated 1 year ago

Yann Büchau :python: · @nobodyinperson
134 followers · 461 posts · Server

@TeXhackse @datalad @joeyh Perfect!! These two commands fix the in :

\pdfinfoomitdate 1 % no /CreationDate and /ModDate in PDF output
\pdftrailerid{} % no /ID in PDF output

#pdflatex #reproducibility #texlatex #reproduciblebuilds

Last updated 2 years ago

Max · @koehlerson
60 followers · 189 posts · Server

Suppose I have a pdf which looks nice and perfect when I open it with any installed pdf viewer. However, when I include it with includegraphics in some fonts are broken. What can cause this issue? I don't even know what to google.

#typewriting #software #linux #lualatex #pdflatex #latex

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode: · @publicvoit
1267 followers · 11460 posts · Server
Stefano Zacchiroli · @zacchiro
1011 followers · 981 posts · Server

If you're a user/geek, I'm looking for references/discussions explaining why does not generate accessible out-of-the-box and what's the current status about fixing it. TIA !

#latex #pdflatex #pdf #texlive

Last updated 4 years ago

Tzafrir · @tzafrir
119 followers · 3071 posts · Server

My printer currently fails to print black. I had to print GPG key slips, and gpg-key2ps produces a black print-out.

Path of least resistance should have been gpg-key2latex but at first shot failed to work with the generated file. So I decided to try and modify the file myself. A bit of search got me:

and indeed adding the following line near the top painted the whole file blue:

0 0 1 setrgbcolor


#pdflatex #postscript #signing

Last updated 4 years ago

Obrow :unverified: :bloblurk: · @obrow
235 followers · 6875 posts · Server

Bon ma nouvelle conf avance bien.
Tout se trouve bien rangé dans un fichier
Au premier lancement, tous les paquets sont téléchargés, compilés et configurés automatiquement ce qui rend la configuration portable.
Reste à mettre en place en plus de , faire tous les snippets utiles et documenter (en français pour une fois !) le fichier org pour que tout le monde puisse en profiter et l'adapter à ces besoins.
Bon encore quelques jours quoi !

#emacs #org #xelatex #pdflatex

Last updated 7 years ago