PDF mit Wasserzeichen versehen
Mehrere Versuche, um unter eine PDF-Datei ein Wasserzeichen zu legen.
#pdf #wasserzeichen #pdftk #imagemagick #linux
Why does installing "pdftk-java" change root certificate authority? Is this bad? #permissions #java #sudo #pdf #pdftk
#permissions #java #sudo #pdf #pdftk
How to make a non-multiline form field in a #PDF multiline using #pdftk
1. Decompress the input PDF:
$ pdftk input.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress
2. Open the file with a text editor and find the form field and it's field flags `/Ff` using it's name/marker `/T` or `/TU`, e.g.,
/T (Mein Textfeld)
/Ff 0
/TU (Mein Textfeld)
/Subtype /Widget
Now look up the field flags bit mask in Table 228 of Text Fields (I didn't say this was easy) in the PDF 1.7 standard (or buy the PDF 2.0 standard for... ~200 CHF?!):
Bit position "13" declares a field to be "Multiline", so we need to bit-wise OR our current field flags (in this case 0) with 2^12 = 4096 to `/Ff 4096`.
3. Optionally, compress the PDF again:
$ pdftk uncompressed.pdf output output.pdf compress
Est-ce que quelqu'un sait assembler plusieurs fichiers #pdf A4 & A3 ?
j'essaie avec #pdftk mais je n'obtiens que du A4
@alainmi11 peut être ?
Split or extract particular pages from A PDF file in Linux #pdftk #pdfreader #pdf #linux #commandline
#commandLine #Linux #PDF #pdfreader #pdftk
How To Merge PDF Files In Command Line On Linux #PDF #PDFtk #poppler #Linux #CLI #OpenSource
#OpenSource #CLI #Linux #poppler #pdftk #PDF
@danie10 PDF Arranger don't seem to be publishing builds for GNU/Linux distributions.
I use a commandline tool called pdftk for this purpose.