"It's my right to be confused."
Abeni, 12 years old
(#PDjèliClark, #AbenisSong, 2023, page 110)
Stand Seite 51 dachte ich gestern Nacht, hm das ist ganz schön gruselig für Kinder ab acht, und hatte prompt einen sehr unterhaltsamen Albtraum. Dessen Inhalte waren eindeutig meine eigenen und gehören, sagen wir, eher nach #Morbidad, aber trotzdem: #PDjèliClark kriecht mit #AbenisSong ganz schön unter die Haut ...
#morbidad #pdjeliclark #abenissong
Die Liebste kennt mich ... Tentakel und Black culture aufm Cover, "das müsste doch was für dich sein". Schwupp, gekauft und aus dem berühmten Powell's in Portland OR mitgebracht 🖤
This weekend's reading: #TheMimickingofKnownSuccesses by #MalkaOlder has the most delightful worldbuilding I've encountered since...probably since the #DeadDjinnUniverse of #PDjèlíClark
Also Bella Chagall's Burning Lights, an evocative set of memories of her Jewish childhood in Belarus, featuring illustrations by her famous husband.
#themimickingofknownsuccesses #malkaolder #deaddjinnuniverse #pdjeliclark
Rematei de ler o conto 'A Dead Djinn in Cairo', de #PDjèlíClark (com preciosa ilustração de #KevinHong), o começo do seu #DeadDjinnUniverse. Um mundo alternativo onde junta mitologia egípcia, árabe e mediterrânea em geral em uma ambientação #steampunk 👌
Todo pronto para ler 'The Haunting of Tram Car 015' antes de 'El señor de los djinn' (A Master of Djinn), que publicou em castelhano o ano passado #Duermevela 🧞
#pdjeliclark #kevinhong #deaddjinnuniverse #steampunk #duermevela #books
I found out about author P. Djèlí Clark and their novel The Black God's Drums on Mastodon, and bought a copy and really enjoyed it.
"In an alternate New Orleans caught in the tangle of the American Civil War, the wall-scaling girl named Creeper yearns to escape the streets for the air--in particular, by earning a spot on-board the airship Midnight Robber. Creeper plans to earn Captain Ann-Marie’s trust with information she discovers about a Haitian scientist and a mysterious weapon he calls The Black God’s Drums.
But Creeper also has a secret herself: Oya, the African orisha of the wind and storms, speaks inside her head, and may have her own ulterior motivations.
Soon, Creeper, Oya, and the crew of the Midnight Robber are pulled into a perilous mission aimed to stop the Black God’s Drums from being unleashed and wiping out the entirety of New Orleans.
“A sinewy mosaic of Haitian sky pirates, wily street urchins, and orisha magic. Beguiling and bombastic!”—New York Times bestselling author Scott Westerfeld"
#pdjeliclark #theblackgodsdrums #bookstodon #neworleans
In no particular order, some authors I’ve enjoyed this year:
#KDEdwards ( #TheTarotSequence )
#DyrkAshton ( #Paternus )
#RebeccaRoanhorse ( #BetweenEarthAndSky )
#TamsynMuir ( #TheLockedTomb )
#BrandonSanderson ( all things #Cosmere )
#TJKlune ( #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea )
#ChinaMieville ( #Kraken )
#UrsulaKLeGuin ( #TheLeftHandOfDarkness & #Earthsea )
#EverinaMaxwell ( #WintersOrbit )
#PDjeliClark ( #AMasterOfDjinn )
#MaggieStiefvater ( #TheDreamerTrilogy )
#OlivieBlake ( #TheAtlas )
#DavidRSlayton ( #AdamBinder )
#RogerZelazny ( #LordOfLight )
#MarthaWells ( #TheMurderbotDiaries )
#TerryPratchett ( #Discworld )
#TravisBaldree ( #LegendsAndLattes )
#ZamilAkhtar ( #GunmetalGods )
#ArkadyMartine ( #Teixcalaan )
#DennisETaylor ( #Bobiverse )
#FondaLee ( #TheGreenBoneSaga )
#NicholasEames ( #TheBand )
#SusannaClarke ( #Piranesi )
#KaiAshanteWilson ( #TheSorcererOfTheWildeeps )
If you’ve got any recommendations, feel free to shout them out! #Scifi #Fantasy #SFF #Bookstadon #ScifiReads #FantasyReads #ScifiFantasy #QueerScifi #QueerSFF
#kdedwards #thetarotsequence #dyrkashton #paternus #rebeccaroanhorse #betweenearthandsky #tamsynmuir #thelockedtomb #brandonsanderson #cosmere #tjklune #thehouseintheceruleansea #chinamieville #kraken #ursulakleguin #thelefthandofdarkness #earthsea #everinamaxwell #wintersorbit #pdjeliclark #amasterofdjinn #maggiestiefvater #thedreamertrilogy #olivieblake #theatlas #davidrslayton #adambinder #rogerzelazny #lordoflight #marthawells #themurderbotdiaries #terrypratchett #discworld #travisbaldree #legendsandlattes #zamilakhtar #gunmetalgods #arkadymartine #teixcalaan #dennisetaylor #bobiverse #fondalee #thegreenbonesaga #nicholaseames #theband #susannaclarke #piranesi #kaiashantewilson #thesorcererofthewildeeps #scifi #fantasy #sff #bookstadon #scifireads #fantasyreads #scififantasy #queerscifi #queersff
@macthekat82 @bookstodon IMO P. Djèli Clark's novellas are THE best - Master of Djinn, The Black God's Drums, The Haunting of Tram Car 015. You can get to them all here - https://www.tor.com/author/p-djeli-clark/ (I also love #Murderbot, OF COURSE) #SFF #novella
#murderbot #sff #novella #pdjeliclark
Need a light read? I enjoyed P Djéli Clark's _A Master Djinn_ when the public library shopped it to me last week.*
It's a mystery set in steampunk 1912 Cairo. There's magic and you know, djinn, as the title suggests, and colonizers don't take center stage.
* It helped that I was already primed by Clark's _The Haunting of Tram Car 015_,
#pdjeliclark #sff #speculativefiction