The #Python package manager #PDM has added support for system trust stores using the "truststore" package in v2.8.0! 🥳
This is the first major package to add truststore as a dependency.
Inne wiadomości ze świata #Python: nowy backend #pep517 #scikit-build-core okazuje się psuć #setuptools na jeszcze jeden sposób. Tym razem błąd zauważono przy wykorzystaniu #pdm-backend.
A, fail2ban też psuje. Może to ten sam problem.
poprzedni bug (psuł rozszerzenia #RustLang):
#rustlang #pdm #setuptools #scikit #pep517 #python
webエンジニア達よ技術に捉われるな ~テクノロジーからの解放~
#開発プロセス #プロダクトマネジメント #ユーザーインタビュー #PdM
#開発プロセス #プロダクトマネジメント #ユーザーインタビュー #pdm
Oznaczyłem paczkę #pdm-#pep517 jako przestarzałą w #Gentoo. Część z pozostałych wstecznych zależności już została zaktualizowana do użycia innego backendu, jedna ma już otwarty pull request, a pozostałymi trzema zająłem się sam (proponując migrację do pdm-backend):
I've marked #pdm-#pep517 package deprecated in #Gentoo. Some of the remaining revdeps have already been migrated away in their VCS repositories, one has pull request open, and I've filed pull requests to migrate the remaining three to pdm-backend:
Zaktualizowałem nasz podręcznik Pythona dla #Gentoo, opisując jak ustawić wersję paczki, gdy projekt używa pdm-backend, pobiera wersję z SCM i używa archiw generowanych przez git.
Projekt #PDM wynajduje na nowo setuptools-scm, i wymaga zastosowania innej zmiennej środowiskowej. Co gorsza, jeżeli nie jest w stanie wykryć wersji z SCM, to ustawia "0.0.0" zamiast rzucić błąd, co z kolei może psuć inne paczki. Zgłosiłem to przy okazji:
#Gentoo #Python Guide now covers overriding SCM version in git archives of packages using pdm-backend.
#PDM decided to reinvent setuptools-scm, and it requires custom handling. Furthermore, it silently sets the version to "0.0.0" when it can't detect version which means trouble. Filed a bug for that as well:
@lig Actually, speaking of package management, my PyCon US talk has been posted...
It was about dependencies... and I even did a little (tiny) demo of pdm!
Talking about Python package managers I really like `poetry` but I would happily argue for `pdm` versus using `pip` and `requirements.txt` files.
#python #pip #poerty #pdm #PackageManagment
> PDM was created as a “Python package manager with PEP 582 support” (which is notable, given that PDM does not implement PEP 582).
(from, it references
PEP 582: local packages directory (basically node_modules for python). Proposed in 2018, discussions ongoing.
#PDM makes this work now, but I'd love to see this land in #python proper.
Super post explicant les methode de «hacking» pour augmenter la qualité d'affichage d'une image sur un écran LCD.
#hack #pdm #lcd #electronic #screen #image #dithering
#hack #pdm #lcd #electronic #screen #image #dithering
Ricordo qualcuno dire a sostegno delle moratorie alla pena di morte, più che della sua abolizione, che le moratorie si radicano nella coscienza civile, mentre l'abolizione della pdm può essere sempre revocata.
Perché, sulle moratorie tipo quella del '72 negli USA forse non si può tornare indietro? O anche fare peggio?
E così ecco qua un South Carolina qualunque che reintroduce la fucilazione.
::: Notizie brevi ::: #trasportopubblicolocale #garantedeglistudenti #francescoscutellari #Lavoroeprecarietà #ilpadronedimerda #AcabnewsBologna #Università #università #Movimenti #almamater #disabili #sciopero #Cronaca #ateneo #tasse #dad #pdm #usb
#usb #pdm #dad #tasse #ateneo #cronaca #sciopero #disabili #almamater #movimenti #università #acabnewsbologna #ilpadronedimerda #lavoroeprecarietà #francescoscutellari #garantedeglistudenti #trasportopubblicolocale
Is it just me, or does PDM (another python package manger) just feel a lot like zc.buildout? They both install packages in a locally isolated directory using a specific python version, and don't really need to run in virtualenv.
While pdm is subjectively prettier (nice colours and emoji; Yes i'm cheap that way), zc.buildout provides a better environment and capabilities.
#Shaarli: - Paperwork - Personal document management made fast and easy #Paperwork #scanner #PDF #documents #PDM #sorting #Linux #Windows #WIA #OCR #free #opensource #GPL Paperwork, a personal document manager designed to make your life easier
#shaarli #paperwork #scanner #pdf #documents #pdm #sorting #linux #windows #wia #ocr #free #opensource #gpl
Protesta al supermercato Alì: “Basta persecuzioni antisindacali” #coordinamentomigranti #Lavoroeprecarietà #ilpadronedimerda #AcabnewsBologna #mascherebianche #padronedimerda #smartworking #coronavirus #logistica #Migranti #adlcobas #covid-19 #edilizia #Cronaca #alìspa #lepida #padova #covid #adl #alì #pdm #sgb
#coordinamentomigranti #lavoroeprecarietà #ilpadronedimerda #acabnewsbologna #mascherebianche #padronedimerda #smartworking #Coronavirus #logistica #migranti #adlcobas #COVID #edilizia #cronaca #alìspa #lepida #padova #adl #alì #pdm #sgb
::: Notizie brevi ::: #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #Redditoelottesociali #incidentesullavoro #piazzasanfrancesco #Lavoroeprecarietà #ilpadronedimerda #piazzaaldrovandi #AcabnewsBologna #unioneinquilini #casalfiumanese #padronedimerda #bolognafiere #coronavirus #integrativo #piazzaverdi #sfrattizero #Movimenti #bellanova #ordinanza #covid-19 #Cronaca #sfratti #merola #fiera #casa #sana #erp #pdm #usb
#benicomuni #redditoelottesociali #incidentesullavoro #piazzasanfrancesco #lavoroeprecarietà #ilpadronedimerda #piazzaaldrovandi #acabnewsbologna #unioneinquilini #casalfiumanese #padronedimerda #bolognafiere #Coronavirus #integrativo #piazzaverdi #sfrattizero #movimenti #bellanova #ordinanza #COVID #cronaca #sfratti #merola #fiera #casa #sana #erp #pdm #usb