This is *amazing*: a #CrossStitch tribute to the legendary #TextAdventure game #Zork with two of its most iconic lines.
Be sure to click through for the heartwarming story behind it.
You can buy a PDF of the pattern (not the physical product!) from its creator here:
#gaming #VideoGames #Infocom #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #PDP10 #PDP11 #TRS80 #AppleII #Apple2 #Commodore64 #C64 #Commodore #Atari #CPM #DOS #MSDOS #IBMPC
#crossstitch #textadventure #zork #gaming #videogames #infocom #retrocomputing #retrogaming #pdp10 #pdp11 #trs80 #appleii #apple2 #commodore64 #c64 #commodore #atari #cpm #dos #msdos #ibmpc
PDP-10 model KI10 - lights in the dark
#retrocomputing #computerhistory #pdp10
#retrocomputing #computerhistory #pdp10
It gives me an unreasonable amount of joy that #Kermit for TOPS-20 on the #PDP10 just had a new release in 2023, over 20 years since its last release. I don't have a PDP-10 and I've only used TOPS-20 for an hour or so total in my life, but that's the kind of #retrocomputing energy I like to see.
#kermit #pdp10 #retrocomputing
Here we have a bizarro game from 1979 written in BASIC for DEC PDP-10 systems. Ghosts, snakes, wolverines who eat you if you don't wipe properly after you poop, and Ted Kennedy all await you:
#retrogaming #pdp10 #retrocomputing #adventuregame #textadventure
#retrogaming #pdp10 #retrocomputing #adventuregame #textadventure
@BRicker @swaggboi I would classify #SDF’s hardware as clones/reimplementations of the #PDP10— shows their XKL TOAD-2 and they just brought a Systems Concepts SC40 online:
Quite a few people have been connecting to our new Systems Concepts SC40 PDP-10
Here is an image gallery of what it looks like on the inside:
The SC40 kept the 36bit computing market alive through the 1990s into the 2000s. Services like CompuServe and Tymnet relied on them.
If you're interested in an account, check out for access to our XKL Toad-2 which will also get you an account on the SC40.
#retrocomputing #pdp10 #hacking
The mighty @SDF #TWENEX empire is growing!
#SystemConcepts #SCgroup #Mars #SC40 #DEC #PDP10 #DECsystem10 #KL10 #TOPS20 #retrocomputing #mainframe #BigIron
#twenex #systemconcepts #scgroup #mars #sc40 #dec #pdp10 #decsystem10 #kl10 #tops20 #retrocomputing #mainframe #bigiron
Kind of a long shot but does anyone know how to get a data off an old 9-track tape?
(Scotch 777, taken from a TOPS-20 system)
#retrocomputing #pdp10 #tops20
The supervisor guy turns off the factory lights
So the robots have to work in the dark.
É hoje!
O Microsoft Altair BASIC de 1975
#MuseuCapixaba #mcc #éhoje #museu #retro #geek #tecnologia #capixaba #descubraoes #nodiadehoje #i8080 #Altair8800 #AltairBASIC #BillGates #Intel #Microsoft #MITS #PaulAllen #PDP10 #PopularElectronics
#popularelectronics #pdp10 #paulallen #mits #microsoft #intel #billgates #altairbasic #altair8800 #i8080 #nodiadehoje #descubraoes #capixaba #tecnologia #geek #retro #museu #ehoje #mcc #museucapixaba
#PDP10 #mainframe IO, early 80s. #retrocomputing
Leftmost 12 boards: 4 disk/tape controllers. Each can control 8 devices.
3 boards with ribbon cables between them: ethernet. The other ribbon cable leads to an external box with two more large boards. That box has AUI.
4 boards to the right: interface to front-end #PDP11.
Rightmost 10 boards: interface to core memory. This system was configured with 6 cabinets of memory: 256 kwords (36 bit words) per (6' 800 lbs) cabinet.
And some cables...
#pdp10 #mainframe #retrocomputing #pdp11
In 1987 Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was the #2 computer manufacturer in the
world. They made mainframe computers for Fortune 500 companies. One day they just pulled out leaving business high and dry. Later as the company was falling apart, they tried to get back into the mainframe industry. Somehow they became misrepresented as entering the mainframe business for the first time. Did they try to bury what they did to their former mainframe customers?
#pdp10 #vax #dec #myth
The moral of this post is "don't always believe what you read". An example of the propagation of a myth.
Today is December 10 or DEC-10 which makes me think of the PDP-10 computer from DEC. The PDP-10 is historically important because it made timesharing common and played a crucial role in the development of the internet. The Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS) also ran on it, which is historically important in its own right. A quote from then: "If you're not playing with 36 bits, you're not playing with a full DEC!" #PDP10 #history #computers
Ah, DEC-10 day. #pdp10 was my playground (and payground) way back when.
Here's some of my code. Wish I had a better view of it.
Happy DEC-10 Day!
#36bits #pdp10 #dec10 #retrocomputing
#36bits #pdp10 #dec10 #retrocomputing